Is anything sacred to you anymore?

by Xena 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Billygoat

    I hold my relationship with God as sacred. It's mine and mine alone...nobody else defines it. Same with my religious beliefs.

    My marriage vows are sacred. My friendships are sacred. Chocolate is sacred and so is sushi with sake bombs.

  • rocketman

    Your avatar Xena. I consider it righteously hot. I guess that's kind of sacred.

  • SheilaM

    My relationship with my husband Thunder, my children, my grandbaby and my relationship with my friends. I also feel a duty to protect other children if I can possibly do it, ie calling about abuse, watching them, yelling at them "where is your friggin' helmet":) Stuff like that. why do I have no options for smilies in Netscape SIGH>

  • tink

    1. Dedicated to or set apart for the worship of a deity.
    2. Worthy of religious veneration: the sacred teachings of the Buddha.
    3. Made or declared holy: sacred bread and wine.
    4. Dedicated or devoted exclusively to a single use, purpose, or person: sacred to the memory of her sister; a private office sacred to the President.
    5. Worthy of respect; venerable.
    6. Of or relating to religious objects, rites, or practices.

    i guess it depends on your definition of sacred. i would say yes if you consider # 5 - worthy of respect; venerable - to be correct, but as far as the others are concerned, nope.

  • Sunnygal41

    I hold many things sacred. In fact, I am an intensely spiritual person, more spiritual than I ever was in the Borg. I consider the Earth a Sacred Being, along with all the creatures and plants that inhabit Her. I know there is a Divine Presence in the Universe that I respect. I hold all LIFE sacred. I also have to agree with whoever posted about sushi! Nectar of the GOD/DESSES!!!! And, of course, COFFEE~~~~~~!


  • MegaDude

    I'll second the saki bombs. lol.

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    religiously, no.

    My children have taken center stage as the driving force in my life.

  • SanFranciscoJim

    I consider my relationship with my partner sacred.

  • Enishi

    Being able to be alive, at this very moment, is the most sacred thing to me.

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    It appears family is the universal answer and I'll go along with that. So far my family consists of my parents. The boyfriend is working his way to the inner circle but anyone can pretend to be nice for awhile. I withhold judgement there.

    I cannot hold any God sacred because of the cruelty allowed to exist on earth. Standard answer for all religions is faith. My standard answer is bullshit.

    There is no disrespect intended with that comment directed towards anyone who has a strong faith. I can respect you for your beliefs. The disrespect it directed towards religion and whomever they worship.

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