WT lawyers

by bebu 14 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • bebu

    It would be an interesting thing for Vicki to request the breakdown of the WT legal fees! If they don't truly have many costs, then she should not be billed for what expenses they did not incur.

    But if they are paying their lawyers these high fees, I think that info might be of interest to the r&f who are regularly milked for more cash. It is not a matter of being illegal, but of discovering another WT lie about being staffed mainly by volunteer lawers.


  • hillary_step
    Do you know if James McCabe is a JW or just regular Joe Citizen who happens to work WT cases?

    James McCabe is a Jehovah's Witness as are most of his family, some of whom are involved in his Law Practice. They are not short of cash!

    The WTS always provides the Court a breakdown of its costs when it seeks these costs from its opposition, of course they have to do this. In Vicki's case the costs were not it seems to me padded, but actually appeared to be rather low considering the duration and complexity of case. The WTS generally just pays expenses and these are of course agreed between itself and its lawyers.

    I have found few lawyers who just work for money. Many have an eye on the prestige within their community if they manage to win a case that sets a legal precedent, others need a healthy resume to ensure the future of their practice. McCabe for example has appeared before the EEC Court arguing for the WTS against its French taxation issues in recent months. If this case is won by the WTS it will certainly set a legal precedent in French Political law, an admirable feather in his greasy cap, though it seems it will be an unlikely win.

    Then you have lawyers like Kimberlee Norris, who combine courage and sincerity with a refreshing competence. A combination that will be a sure match for the devious and overconfident cynics that inhabit the WTS Legal battery farm.

    Best regards - HS

  • imallgrowedup

    Thanks, Hillary!

    I appreciate the info on McCabe. It still boggles my mind that someone who had to have enough education to become a lawyer could be a JW. It just goes to show that some people are born with blinders on. Go figure.


  • JT

    IF THEY are jw lawyers they are paid nothing beyond basic food and lodging cost- not $400 per hour like they charge- almost all jw lawyers are eager to offer thier services to "Jehovah"

    if they are bethelites then they get nothing,

    if they are local boys they get thier basic expenses covered, but many pay OUT OF POCKET just to be on the team Fighting Against Satan

    there was one lawyer i knew while at bethel caught the train from CONN each day to brooklyn, his wife as not a jw and therefore he could not come into bethel, so they paid his a regular rate- but he came to bethel each day

    then they hire NON JW FIRMS and they pay them reg rates

    and in the case of one of my boys Greg Allen who used to work with me in the factory- they sent my boy to London to learn INTERNATIONAL LAW - he is back in the states the last I heard

    (fior the boys at the Big House who monitor this site ) yea i put his name out there Greg

    folks need to know that once je pass the NY bar he will be an attorney

  • bebu

    JT, if what you say is true, I'd be worried if I were the WTS. Home-grown JWs who always toe the party line are pliable with their consciences, and it simply will be a matter of time before their shortcuts get exposed. Like Enron, etc. If the WT can print lies with impunity, I am guessing that their lawyers have learned to do the same thing.

    Difference is, the WTS will be in deeper kim-chee from the lawyers than from the r/f.

    Let us pray...


    Thanks for comments; more are always welcome!

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