Customers being frozen out of their bank accounts for political views is a very worrying trend ...

by LoveUniHateExams 23 Replies latest social current

  • Simon

    It's absolutely disgraceful, but typical behaviour from those on the left - they like to use big business and government to punish people who don't share their political opinions.

    It has to be quashed, it has to be punished. There has to be an example set that it is unacceptable, counter productive, and will be punished.

    Either that, or everyone is free to discriminate against whoever they want for whatever reason they want.

  • Simon

    "surely they can accept or reject who ever they want"

    No Irish, no Blacks, no Gays. OK?

  • was a new boy
    was a new boy

    Relax, it's just a Zombie test.

    'After the civil war, the US economy was taken over by a group of conniving scoundrels who eventually came to be known as the Robber Barons. A key approach they all shared was creating absolute monopolizations of their respective industries, which allowed them to milk obscene amounts of money as possible from everyone else.'

    'First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a socialist.

    Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a trade unionist.

    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
    Because I was not a Jew.

    Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.'

  • NotFormer

    "If , for example we had a political figure akin to Oswald Mosley in the last century, would you say the same about his right to bank with royalty.?"

    Given that he was part of the nobility: yes!

  • hoser

    Unfortunately it looks like many countries are heading to a social credit score to control the populace. The bad part of it is that the truly productive people are the ones being stifled. The non innovative followers will be favoured under such a system

    The trucker protests in Ottawa last year revealed the lack of freedom in Canada. It also cemented the working class/entitled class division.

    In Canada you can trespass on a railroad track for weeks protesting for native rights with no consequence. You can block the inner harbour in Vancouver so ships can’t pick up oil with no consequence. You can vandalize work camps on gas pipelines in the name of the environment with no consequence. But don’t donate to a trucker protesting a vaccine mandate or your bank account will be frozen.

    I think the part that really bothered Justin and his cohorts was how organized, resilient and united the lower caste working class can be. Truck drivers could shut this country down within a week. I think the government got good and scared and had to use a big stick in the form of bank account seizures to keep everyone in line.

    The next step from the government is to eliminate cash as legal tender, outlaw crypto currency and ban private ownership of gold and silver.

    Then they will own you!

  • Riley

    I went to use the ATM this morning and there was some anti-Vaxx literature conveniently left in the lobby. I wonder who use does stupid shit like that. Those fucking idiots are still having rallies and meeting and such. They are only people who really didn't want it to end.

    That so called Freedom Convoy was a national embarrassment. " I get free healthcare and don't have to follow any public health orders ". Even Americans didn't feel that entitled.

  • hoser


    The trucker rally saved me a lot of hassle in my business. A lot of the regulations they were proposing. I would have been forced to fire one of my employees that refused the vax. The truckers stopped that law from happening.

    My body my choice is my motto. There’s only two of us at work and I’m vaxxed so his lack of the shots don’t affect me in the slightest as I can’t catch it as I’m immune now.

  • Riley

    I am still trying to understand what difference Canadian vaccination policy really meant if the United States had the same policies in place. Canada 🇨🇦 only shares a border with a single country. So you are mad you can’t enter a country from a country you technically can’t even enter to begin with?

    As Bill Shakespeare once said “ it is all sound and fury signifying nothing”.

  • hoser

    It was nothing to do with border crossing and more to do with keeping your job. Companies were being forced by law to fire their un vaxxed employees.

  • Riley

    Somehow i don’t believe the people who were protesting were actually employed in industries in which they were going to lose there jobs.

    I am sure that motel room cleaner or garbage truck driver wasnt really fighting for the right of the doctor or nurse to remain unvaxxed .

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