What One Thing Hurt You The Most...

by shamus 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu

    It was the fake interest in me, or no interest at all. Very few would make conversation with me, and when they did, it was always the same question. "How is school". I'd try and make conversation with people in my age group, and they would look at me as if I was from outer space, then walk away. Then there were the ones who would only "encourage" me. I hated how phony everyone acted.

  • Singing Man
    Singing Man

    Well Vergina let me tell how I hurt:

    I heard my little daughters feet running behind me in her little pumps after one of those stupid meetings as I turned around she jumped in my arms. It was a meeting of shunning me after I was disfellowshipped for giving in to mortal thoughts. Well needless to say right at that moment I knew this was not a religion of love as Christ spoke about, and I knew then I better get my act together and and stay the hell away from them cause they are all cruel assholes. Pin headed people who see nothing wrong with contributing to family break down and crying children, all done in the name of God.

  • Stephanus
    I was in a really cliquey congregation, so it was pretty obvious who was "in" and who was "out".

    At last, someone who can spell "clique"! Congratulations Prisca! LOL

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