Anyone from Cincinnati?

by Coop Man 13 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Coop Man
    Coop Man

    Hello to all, just trying to find a few old friends of mine from the Cincinnati Ohio area. I haven't been around for a while, as my job took me to Colorado for a while, but now I'm back and trying to catch up with a few pals. I am not currently disfellowshipped, though I am inactive. I was reinstated about 2 years ago while living in Colorado.

    Hope to hear from at least 1 person!

    Catch ya if I can

  • Ghosthunter

    I used to go to a lot of assemblies in Cincinnati! At the Reds stadium. Then they moved them to Louisville, KY for a while.

    I'm originally from Indianapolis.

  • mpatrick

    I currently live in Cincinnati, but originally from Northern Kentucky, does that count?

  • Coop Man
    Coop Man

    Sure! I have a lot of old friends in N.Ky, used to run around quite a bit in bluegrass country. Where abouts is your old Kingdom Hall, what age are you? Maybe we have a few familiar friends.

  • mpatrick

    I grew up in the Sun Valley Congregation. I am one of you would probably know me or at least we should know some of the same people. I am in my thirties...we will leave it at that! Does the name "Goetz" ring a bell?

  • Coop Man
    Coop Man

    Does it EVER! I had the best years of my life as a Dubya with the Goets boys....Matt, Marty, Monty....

    I'll never forget the time we went pumpkin smashing ( I was reproved ), sneaking up on cars in the firehouse parking field and wiped stuff on the door handles ( the elders found out about this as well, reproved again ). Bill G. HATED me, but I couldn't blame him, I was worthless and shifty and he could read right thru me, all in all he was one helluva guy. Maria was absolutely beautiful, and probably still is. As for me, NO-ONE in the world recognize me now, shaved head ( from what I understand this is now considered worldly ), goatee, tattoos, karaoke-singing at the bars ( Big NO-NO ), still visiting my old stomping ground out at Lebo's and Bobby Mackies.....

    Been married and divorced since then, married a stripper I met at a club, caught her in the act and walked out, never went back. Life is good.

    You wouldn't happen to know how the Goetz's are doing would you? Or how about Shannon Dixon, Maria Jones, Troy somebody, can't remember his last name, had a sister who was dissed, had a book study at his parents house. Do you know any of the Tabith Mirick or Rob Vaugn?

    Great to hear from ya.


  • mpatrick

    Well, to cut to the chase...Matt, Monty and Marty are my brothers...and Matt was disfellowshipped over that smashing pumpkin incident...lmao! Matt was just "reinstated" last Tuesday night after being away for about 10 or more years, and after being married twice and divorced twice and after years of proclaiming to be agnostic. I will never figure that boy out! But, after years of depression he seems each his own, I guess.

    Monty and Marty still like to cause their own degree of trouble making!...LOL! PM me and I can hook you up and you can catch up on old times. They are both still living in Northern Ky.

    Bill G., then of course would be my dad and he is a "helluva guy", as you greatly put it. I have never been disfellowshipped, so he still talks to me, but not so much to my disfellowshipped brothers.

    Maria is still "in" and is married with two beautiful children, and YEs, she is still beautiful.

    OK, I am curious who you are now because you mentioned alot of names from down in Grant Co. I lived in Williamstown for a couple of years. My x-husband was from there. We lived down the street from Tabitha. She is married now and has two children. I saw her about two years ago, she seemed surprised that I was no longer a JW, much less an "unbeliever"(nice word for thriving apostate). Her sister-in-law is out and we would see each other occassionally, so I thought she had a pretty good idea.

    Good to hear from you too,


  • Coop Man
    Coop Man

    OMG! I believe your x-husbands name was Eric? Blonde fellow, short, thin build? I believe you lived in Lexington at the time...until I know for sure this is your x or not I will leave all opinons to myself : )

    Ya know, time has a way of changing everything ( not to get all philisophical ). When I was younger, all I cared about was my image among my peers in the hall, the "badder" I was the better, so I threw parties at my place, ( I was kicked outta my home at the age of 17 by my father for dating a Mexican Sister, a big no-no!!! ) told lies to make me look "cooler", skipped all around the country and basically made a big mess of my life there for a while. Now that I'm older, wiser, I fully realize how stupid I was. If I could only get back 1 tenth of the time and money spent on foolishness....

    The point is, I do know you, your entire family, Diana ( how is she by the way? ). I don't know you very well, I only met you 2 or 3 times. But you were way too cool, and I was way too stupid. I made up some story of you and I one night in Colorado when my Chris Hagen and myself had more than enough Jack Daniels. I was and still am very sorry for all the B.S. I caused. Maturity for me didn't set in until around 24 or 25, if only I had it when I was 17 or so.....

    There is no good excuse for what I done, just trying to make myself look cooler than I was, so I showed Chris a picture of you and made up some story of how you massaged my back one night with some lotion or some B.S. like that, trying to be some type of playa ( at the time being a playa was cool, I on the other hand was wayyyy from cool ).

    Dale Cooper is the name, been a while since I have seen or heard from any of my old friends. My life is totally different than before...Been married once, divorced. Remarried, have 3 children which make me unbelievably happy, but a wife that doesn't. Too much arguing and fighting. For the past 2 years she has had clinical depression. She is supposed to take Zoloft, but refuses to, so I have to live with these unbelievable mood swings, It's either "Hey, how was work today?" or "Where the FU*# have you been?!!". Story of my life in a nutshell...always wanted to get married, now that I am, I wanna be single! Ha Ha, funny how that works! Gotta do what I gotta do, as long as my children are happy and food is on the table, I can put up with all the bad times the wife and I have. As they say, when it's bad, it's really bad, but when it's good, it's really good!! How true that is!

    If you never wanna reply I would understand, seeing how I was such a prick when I was younger. But it has been really nice talking to a familiar person!

    Hope to hear back!


  • mpatrick

    Too Funny! Yes, I remember you quite well! Good to hear things have changed for the better for you. You won't believe this, but my mom still talks to Chris and his wife on a regular basis...always thought that relationship (Chris and my mom) was weird.

    until I know for sure this is your x or not I will leave all opinons to myself : )

    My x-husband is named Ken, and if your opinions are anything about him being "gay", save it...I have heard that one too many times to mention. Anyway, we divorced on good terms and we still talk every once in awhile. And the "gay" thing...he is still denying it.

    I am now remarried and have three little ones. My husband is great and things are going really good for us. I left the JWs when Ken and I got divorced, but didn't leave the teachings until about six years ago. You would be surprised how many people in this area are out... Becky D, who has posted here as "beckyboop" and her x-husband "intuit37" , Jessica, Halena and Dave C., and Kim P. and her little brother. Anna P. and her husband (both were on there way missionary service when they left). Do you remember KaSandra K.? Well, she is out along with some other ones her age. We have had quite a few get-togethers over the years. It was refreshing to have so much support and also to be able to lend so much to old friends. My mother quit talking to me off and on in the past, but we are on good terms now. We just decided to "agree to disagree".

    Anyway, there are no hard feelings. It is good to hear another one has left the fold...LOL!

    Keep in touch,


  • Coop Man
    Coop Man

    I never thought he was gay, just not very nice to you, I always thought you deserved better than that. Glad to hear you got it now!

    Good to hear Chris is still doing o.k., and yes, I always felt him and your mother were kinda "weird together", but I always did like your Mothers big heartedness.

    I'm glad to hear Matt is happy again, he's a really nice boy. Monty was always my favorite to pal around with, he had a wild streak just like I did.

    I had no idea so many had left the "Great Crowd", anything in particular make you quit? My breaking point was when I was D.F'd for kissing a married lady ( here in Cincy ), but my younger brother in Colorado had an affair with a married pioneer sister on, of all nights, after the memorial. Both were drunk, one thing led to another and before ya know it the deed was done. A lot of people knew about it, because it was on a camping trip immediately after the Memorial. There were about 6 or 7 couples there, but of course the double standards kicked end and nothing happened to either of them. Her husband left the truth, and 3 of the 6 or 7 couples are now no longer going. My younger brother has not been going for a while now, he has too big of a career in Country Music to think of going back to the hall.

    Where in Ohio are you located? I'm in the Tri-County area, Forest Park to be precise.

    Great keeping in touch with someone familiar!


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