Do Jw men treat wives as Christ treats the church?

by ellderwho 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    Yeah the dubs have their share of issues but the percentage of dubs who mistreat their wives may not be all that high. We just notice the idiots.

    I remember being a young girl and learning about the headship issue. On the ride home I asked my mom about it and she just laughed and said not to take everything that is said on the platform seriously as usually it's from some elder who has no idea how to treat his wife.

    Who is in charge at my parents home? I can't tell.

  • czarofmischief
    Re: Do Jw men treat wives as Christ treats the church?

    Hmm. Abuse, abandoment, belittlement, unreasonable standards, broken promises, failure to provide, neglect... yep, JW husbands have the same marital track record as Jesus!


  • ellderwho

    The statement:

    Do Jw men treat wives as Christ treats the church?

    Yes it comes with baggage. Lest we forget this is "Gods Organization" And since God has appointed the "elder" Doesnt God know that elder lofty is going to act the role. Would not Gods appointment come with the follow through of treating your own spouse as Christ treats the church?

    Most jws will tell you in a smug way that love is following at the kingdom hall.

    And after all to the Jws Jesus was a good man, not some traits they impart to others. I truley believe they will act like they "get along" not because they want to, but because they have to.

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