Taking stock of my blessings....

by Dawn 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Poztate

    A good dub is always trained to believe that the brothers and sisters in the congregation are your true friends and "relatives"

    I am sure your mother will soon find these friends are very shallow and non-supportive in most areas of her life.If she can ever come to realize that you were the only true,real family she had it might cause a change in her feelings for you.

    I know from personal experience, as do many here the pain and suffering that this ungodly rule puts into peoples lives.Good luck in the future and your personal situation.


  • bebu


    Taking stock of the blessings on this board, I count you as a large one. I appreciate your character, and that you are able to find your way thru the maze of choices of feelings and actions so well.

    I'm so sorry that your heart is broken; you don't deserve this. May God give your mom a change of heart!


  • drwtsn32


    It's simply incredible that your mom has only just now had a change of heart about associating with you! Especially since you were the only one to show any genuine concern after all this time.

    You have a very positive attitude though.... I admire that.

    BTW, we need to get together again soon!

  • Dawn

    You all are so wonderful. Thanks for the positive feedback - I REALLY needed that!

    Yes - it sucks to think that I put so much into this relationship only to have it thrown back in my face. But I guess life isn't always fair.

    drwtsn32 - we DEFINATELY need to meet up again soon. I sure had fun with ya'll last time. I'll e-mail you guys this week - maybe we can all pick a restaurant or somewhere to meet, kick back, enjoy some wine or a drink!!

  • drwtsn32
    drwtsn32 - we DEFINATELY need to meet up again soon. I sure had fun with ya'll last time. I'll e-mail you guys this week - maybe we can all pick a restaurant or somewhere to meet, kick back, enjoy some wine or a drink!!

    Great idea! But why not wine and a drink! I have actually come to appreciate wine now but I won't forsake the yummy margaritas.

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