Has your sense of taste changed over the years?

by laylaluv 7 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • laylaluv

    Just a little curious. I have noticed as I get older my sense of taste changes. I never liked tea when I was young but, now I do. I just discovered this the other day. Also, I never used to like cornbread. Now I love it in soups.

    So let me hear it. Is it just me or does everyone experience these changes in taste?

  • laylaluv

    Oops help guys. I put it under the wrong subject again. This time I know how I did it.

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    as I grew older , traveled and experienced life, and progressed as an "individual", my tastes changed.

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    Extensive bible study has shown that I'll never handle grits.

  • maxwell

    I think taste develops as one grows. When I was a kid, I liked kool-aid. I don't buy the stuff now. I think I can appreciate a wider range of flavors now. Some things you have to develop a taste for, like wine. I'm still developing a taste for that, for example the difference between a merlot, chardonnay and a sauvignon? white wine and red wine? It's an education in names and tastes.

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    I was born with hyper-sensative taste buds and a lot of things tasted like poison to me as a child... I am not sure if age or just experiencing many new tastes that has shifted my tastes, but I do eat things I would not even get close enough to smell as a child.

  • stillajwexelder

    sure -- my tastes have changed -- I now like classical music - it was once only pop music -- when I was younger - steak was always well done -- now anything more than Rare I struggle with -- wine the more fuller bodied the better -when I was younger I preferred it sweet -- and so on. Travel has broadened my horizons

  • Sassy

    I was a real picky eater growing up. There are still some things I don't particularly like, but I wouldn't say I am picky any more. Still can't do eggs though. I gag on them.

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