The Over-Commercialization of Christmas

by SanFranciscoJim 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • larc

    Waiting, for some reason, I can only post for the first thirty minutes here, then I can't access, but only read existing posts. Yepper, I'll get Jan a nice gift and help with the tree and the cooking. (Kroger's has a good deal on a precooked turke dinner - hee, hee.) Jim, I know what you mean about cars. I have never been influenced by the ads, and buy what suits my needs at the time - usually a used car.

  • Simon

    Everything seems to be pushed and milked to a far greater degree than ever before. I guess we become more immune to advertising so the response is to bombard us with more.

    I don't mind Christmas so much and Halloween was nice (but I can imagine that becoming a bit wearisome given how much people have to do). I hate when they try and make a big present giving event out of each and every little thing such as Mothers day etc... Oviously Fathers day is ok

    Kids grow up much more savvy with advertising than we were - we have to give them credit.

    Still, I think it's tough for poorer families who may find it very hard to afford all the stuff. My biggest bug-bear is how brand-names are pushed and overpriced.

  • SanFranciscoJim
    I guess we become more immune to advertising so the response is to bombard us with more.

    This same tactic is utilized by the WTBTS. Bombard the flock continuously with new publications so they don't lose interest and get bored waiting for Armageddon.

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