AOL - what's your opinion?

by TresHappy 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • TresHappy

    I've had AOL for several years now. I am dumping it very soon. Anyone else have AOL and what is your opinion? Mine - they are like a large vacuum - they suck big time.

  • Sassy

    I'm glad to be rid of AOL. I think for someone who has limited knowledge of computers, AOL can be easy to get on the net with. But I love having my cable internet, currently Earthlink. I had RoadRunner before too, that was awesome as well.

  • stillajwexelder

    I love AOL -- my work PCs are MSN -- but home are AOL

  • Loris

    When you try to get rid of aol from your PC it acts like a virus. It has tenticles in places you don't know there are places.

    Hate it.


  • Ghosthunter

    AOL sux.

    Be careful when you dump them, especially if they bill your credit card for your monthly service. We used them BRIEFLY before we got our cable modem access and almost a YEAR later, they started billing our credit card again! We had to call the bank and cancel the card! THEN, they sent us a bill for over $100 and said they were sending us to COLLECTION! It took a couple of months to get it straightened out. They would not believe that we had not been using their service, even though they could SEE on our account that it had been inactive for the entire year.

    ALSO beware when you call them to cancel, they will transfer you to one of their high pressure salesmen that will offer you all these free minutes to stay. This person will NOT take no for an answer! The guy my husband talked to was so persistent, that my husband had to SCREAM at him and then hung up!

    AOL is bad. Very bad.

  • imallgrowedup

    Loris is right.

    We had a bunch of problems with our computer a couple of years ago when we were dumping AOL to go with another ISP (back in the dinosaur days when DSL was just a twinklin' in our eyes!). We had a friend who works on computers come look at it and he told us that the AOL program had actually "highjacked" some of the programs that we needed in order to use the new ISP. He told us that people had complained to AOL about this little ummm.... bug .... and they denied that their program did this. So for a class project, a bunch of guys got together and took a brand new hard drive, wrote down all the settings, then downloaded AOL and found nearly 200 and some-odd settings had been changed. They reported this to AOL who never responded ..... Anyway, the only way we could get our computer back online was to erase our hard drive and reload all our programs from scratch. I won't have anything to do with AOL because of the big hassle. (Besides, now that we have DSL, who needs 'em anyway?!)

    Hmmm..... why do you suppose AOL does this?! Could AOL/Time Warner be plotting a sinister plan to take over the world?! *Cue the "Pinky and The Brain" theme song*


  • wednesday

    Ah Yes, AOL HELL. I know it well. I have been with AOL since 96 and stay with it b/c it is very easy. I llike the e-mail program. But i now just have it piggybacked on to comcast cable. Gawd only knows what would happen if i tried to remove it. My son say"AOL sucks swamp water". LOL

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie mean AOHELL....yep, everything they've said is true....they suck big time....they boot you off incessantly in order to force you to revamp to their next revamped aohell .0....if you try to get rid of them, you'll find they've invaded your PC with spybots like a cancer and will jump onto the screen and connect when you're trying to use your new must delete them not only from your registry files, but use your "find" tool from the start menu and search for every aohell file and delete it, too....they will bill unfounded charges to the credit card you use to pay them and it'll take tons of time and effort to get it cleared up, cause they'll pretend they don't know what you're talking about when you call them....if you call them to cancel, they'll use high pressure tactics to prevent you from cancelling.....if anyone else in your household uses aohell, aohell will spybot YOUR activity and charge you for unfounded billings on your credit card.....they are notorious and heinously conniving and sneaky.....This has ALL happened to me.

    Frannie B

  • SanFranciscoJim

    If you like being constantly datamined, you'll love AOL...the spies dressed as an internet provider.

  • DanTheMan

    The CD-Roms that I'm always getting from them in the mail make nice coasters.

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