I was told by the elders if i proceed with my divorce i will..

by anakinsrise 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • rocketman

    Welcome anak.....sorry to hear about you getting divorced, though, as Stacy mentioned, it doesn't seem like you really stand to lose much congregation-speaking. Just the "favor" of the elders, I guess.

  • Sentinel

    ...and why is it that we feel/felt like we had to tell these "brother elders" everything personal in our life? Ending a marriage is usually a last resort for something that isn't working out as expected; ...and facts about your personal life is absolutely none of their business!

  • Pistoff

    sentinel wrote:

    ...and why is it that we feel/felt like we had to tell these "brother elders" everything personal in our life? Ending a marriage is usually a last resort for something that isn't working out as expected; ...and facts about your personal life is absolutely none of their business! You hit on it; we are conditioned to tell them our "problems" in the false hope that they will understand, or actually help us. NEWSFLASH: If you have problems, in your marriage, go to a counselor, NOT the elders. The counselor will actually help you, not read you scriptures you already know by heart. If you are clinically depressed, for God's sake, DO NOT GO TO THE ELDERS. If they find out you have acting out behaviors to go with it, they will disfellowship you without regard to your depression. They do not care about depression, no matter what they say in the Awake. I resolved 5 years ago to NEVER tell an elder my own personal matters, no matter what. It is none of their business, and they will only punish you for your honesty. If you lie, on the other hand, and deny everything, you will get off scot free. That's a fact.

  • Beans

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