Why do people kill each other?

by The Rebel 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Why do people kill each other? - sometimes people are killed in self defence, not nice but entirely understandable. If a licenced gun owner encountered an armed robber in his house, then it's perfectly ok for the householder with the gun to shoot and kill the trespasser.

    Why do there have to be wars? - in the past, wars were often fought over resources, I think.

  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    Cofty :- " we live in the most peaceful time of human history"

    The Rebel.(A) Not if you consider it from an animals point of view. Not that I am saying meat is murder, but the barbaric conditions many animals live and are slaughtered nowadays is abhorrent.

    Cofty " when would you prefer to have lived?"

    The Rebel.(A) Well I think the "when" is now. But to live now sometimes it's best to switch of the T.V with its often deformed version of reality, leave the mobile phone at home and exsperience the great outdoors that has nothing to sell me,

    The Rebel.

  • bobld

    Rebel-"organisation that claims to be no part of all of this was appealing" Really!

    People are controlled and manipulated by a leader or small group of people.

    -Hilter and a small group discussed in detail of a plan to exterminate the jews.

    _Theonneste Bagosora planned and orgainized Rwanda genocide.

    _The Armenian genocide was planned by members of an elite potitical core(Enver Pasha).

    -The seven men in N.Y. control 8 million members.

    Notice it is a small group that,contorls,plans,organizes,persuades,uses propaganda that their members must completely obey their leaders and carry out their orders without question.Such as refusing blood causing death,familty breakup and suicide by shunning.That org is no different.

    Now if only the members would.......

  • kaik
    Because humans are part of the animal kingdom. Animals kill each other all the time. Lion kills offspring of other lion or lioness, if she refuses to mate with him. Monkeys, apes, and other primates wage a war with other clans all the time. Humans are not different. We are genetically programmed to kill each other. Religion or economy is just a simple justification of the deed.
  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    bobid, thank you for your comment. I would like to clarify you selectively quoted me.

    The Rebel " organisation that claims to be no part of this was appealing" Really!

    What I infact wrote was:- " This was why I can see how my being a member of a organisation that claimed to be a part of this was appealing, However now I am no longer a witness, I can see how much more important the individual role is in a troubled world"

    I hope you appreciate your selective quote of my words, gave my words a completely different meaning.

    The Rebel.

  • Simon

    I think it's fundamentally tribalism when talking about wars.

    We fight for and protect our family, our immediate group and this has been subverted to become support for region and states.

    For personal violence the cause is normally greed, laziness and stupidity. People want things but are too dumb and / or lazy to work to get them so they try to take them instead.

    Of course the two can combine and produce a nation that wants something that another has ... often territory.

  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    Back to my origional O.P.

    Why do people kill each other, and quite a list of reasons has been presented.

    1. Personal reasons

    2. Political violence

    3. Religious Fundamentalists

    4. International violence

    5.mental illness.

    i would appreciate any additions to the above list.

    What is the solution?

    Well in an ideal world I would say " Love all the people". Or at least we can try to resolve our personal, social, religious and political conflicts peacefully. But of course this will never happen, But when I believed in a God, I believed he was a God of love, and I think It would be nice if the religious fundamentalists could hold that perception, of unconditional love and acceptance. How about international and political violence, maybe all that can be done is to communicate better to resolve our political conflicts better? And as for personal revenge, to consider that when we physically hurt another, we are infact damaging our selfs as people.

    The Rebel.

  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    I would also add drugs and alcohol to my list...Or as a rock- star would say, "die young and leave a good looking corpse"

    The Rebel.

  • EndofMysteries

    The middle east wars - religion/power/creed

    Prior to modern day, war would have really began due to survival. As tribes grew, space and resources ran out, who got the food? Who got the fresh water? etc.

    Then there became nations, large tribes and protecting if they had resources or taking from another if they ran out.

    Then greed and power from kings, if all was well, they wanted more. Or to further secure and expand by conquering and making survivors allies so no longer a threat.

    Then religions, ones like some islam ones that teach to conquer non believers or kill those who leave the faith.

    Nationalism - Hitler - remove non natives from the country, keep pure blood. This type may resurface with mass immigration into Europe. Those on certain race/ethnicities being breed out of existence, etc.

    In the end many reasons for wars.

  • The Rebel
    The Rebel



    The Rebel.

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