Your JW / ex-JW Experiences Needed - PLEASE!

by 2escaped lifers 20 Replies latest jw experiences

  • 2escaped lifers
    2escaped lifers
    One that will bring up the readers sympathies and kind heartedness, rather than anger. There is enough anger.

    Good point! The whole focus will be on understanding, because it's not necessarily their (the JW's) fault, but the subtle mind control. We all fell victim to it ourselves, so there is no reason to engender anger in the reader against the remaining JW members.

    Thanks for your thoughts.


  • Mulan

    My cousin had me write her story, which is partly my story too, back in 1999. It is on the web at this site.

  • 2escaped lifers
    2escaped lifers

    Thank you! I'll check it out.

    Do you mind if I go through you to get her permission to use/quote portions of it?



  • Mulan

    You have my permission to use the story. Sharon passed away in 2001. Sorry, I should have mentioned that. It's clear at the end of her story, as you will see.

  • 2escaped lifers
    2escaped lifers

    I'm sorry, I didn't know.

    Thank you for the link!

    Best regards,


  • 2escaped lifers
    2escaped lifers

    bttt, uh, again.

  • DanTheMan

    I'll try to get something together, it's hard to edit it down though.

    I posted my experience on this forum a while back, but the way I view the experience is different now in a lot of ways.

  • 2escaped lifers
    2escaped lifers
    I posted my experience on this forum a while back, but the way I view the experience is different now in a lot of ways.

    I look forward to reading your experience. I am also interested in learning more about how you view it differently now, and why.



  • 2escaped lifers
  • CruithneLaLuna


    I have a close personal friend, who is a journalist, whom I trust implicitly. She undertook to write an article about some of my experiences (not directly related to the JWs), about a year ago, buying me a fine Chinese dinner, and interviewing me over it. (I also helped her review the restaurant where we enjoyed the meal; thus we killed two marauding chupacabras with one slingshot, so to say.)

    In violation of normal journalistic practice, my friend allowed me to preview the article and request any changes that I felt were appropriate. I was amazed how much the sense of her story differed from what I had told her, in some areas. I requested a few changes, and suggested several more.The writer was able to incorporate most of my suggestions, but unfortunately because she was writing to fill limited space and had a specific agenda, or point to make, I felt that some aspects of the story might still have been misunderstood by the readers - all of which wasn't really that important, in the final analysis.

    As a result of this experience, however, I am hesitant if not downright loathe to allow anyone to "write my story," or selectively quote from my sayings or writings. I will be pleased to produce a version of my story that you may quote verbatim (only), fitting within a designated number of pages, paragraphs, or words. If you like, we can chat via personal email [email protected] and begin working toward my laying two or three of the several write-ups I've done so far on you. This might have a very good result, in that if we work together on this, you may be able direct me in crafting something that we can both use and be proud of.


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