dead serious question

by Mommie Dark 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    and it has nothing to do with JWdom, but I am really bothered and would appreciate some feedback.

    Thursday night there was a horrible hit/run in the street by my house. A man was run down by an angry youth. Our local law enforcement has waited until today, Tuesday, to return to the scene and do forensic analysis. They have been out there in a van for over an hour, setting up a table, wearing gloves, measuring, taking photos, walking up & down & all around.

    My ?? is, why on earth would they wait four rainy days to return to the scene and look for evidence? What the heck do they think will still be there after the torrential downpours we've had since then? What will they recover with the surgical gloves that hasn't been compromised by the four days exposure to wind & rain? The scene was not taped off or touched until today. Cars have parked right on the spot where the guy was hit. Kids have skateboarded there, played kickball, driven RC cars. A neighbor swept up the site the day after the incident.

    I am genuinely dismayed at this. The perp is still at large, although he has been identified conclusively. They can't seem to find the kid or the car he stole/borrowed to do the deed, although he has been around town and spoken to some of his peers at least thru Friday.

    Is this typical police operating procedure? We live in a tiny rural county seat, it's not like crime is rampant around here, so I have to wonder what took so long for them to do this forensic sweep? Am I missing some obvious thing, or am I right to be appalled at this?

    I tend to cast a jaundiced eye on governmental anything, residue of JWdom and freakdom, but even making allowances this still seems to me a form of shocking bureaucratic inefficiency. Maybe I just need schoolin' in police methodology?

    Meanwhile we have no idea if the victim survived or not. Local press has reported exactly zip...

    Gathering her gruntles, recently dissed,
    Mommie D.

  • Tallyman


    You've got a right to feel the way you do... as an Observer.

    Just wait (hopefully it won't happen) until you become a Participant in a Po-lice "investigation"...

    I won't bracket all your questions. Just this one:

    Maybe I just need schoolin' in police methodology?

    I can get youse up to speed reel kwik-like, MommyD.

    First,... and I stress this...
    not ALL po-lice are P I G s , but a LOT of them are.

    They are just as sloppy and jacklegged as Watchtower elders.

    They Screw up just as badly.

    They are just as untrained in certain areas and out of their element.

    The Po-lice have a g e n d a s , and if they can advance their careers by smokin' your little ass, you betcha they will.

    Many of the Police are MuthaFuckin' L I A R s !

    They will m a n u f a c t u r e " e v i d e n c e " against you if they can... to help them s o l v e a case.

    They are God-Damned Deceivers !

    They will smile at you and put you at ease, and then drop the hammer on you. (do the "good cop" / "bad cop" routine on you)

    They will throw the United States Constitution out the window or else use it as a doormat.

    Many of them are Rotten Bullies and love to throw their weight around, and are thoroughly corrupted by P O W E R !

    Their motto "To Protect and Serve"... really means, to a lot of them, to "Protect their agendas" and to "Serve their vested interests"...

    The Po-lice can and do ruin lifelong reputations, defame your good name, destroy your character... because they can! ... and do!

    The Po-lice will only do a half-assed "investigation" if they can get brownie points somewhere from someone because of it. The scene which happened in your front yard, was probably a poor, homeless drunk wandering down the highway and was hit by the kid... but to the po-lice he was a NOBODY and does not deserve a Real "Investigation"... 'cause there's nothing to be gained for them to be 'Johnny-On-The-Spot'.

    The Po-lice are in league with their Higher-Ups, the District Attorneys, the Prosecutors, and the Judges and a LOT of those MuthaFuckers are JUST as D e c e p t i v e _ & _ C o r r u p t as the P I G s who work for them.

    Now MommyD, that was the short lesson.
    Do you want the L O N G one?

    {all the above was meant as No Insult to the Animal Kingdom, as does Ellie Mae Klampett, I too, really love my little Kritters!}


  • anglise

    It is possible that the accident was well witnessed and so that aspect doesnt need forensic evidence as such.
    what they could be doing is measurment etc to determine speed of vehicle before and after impact, lighting and weather conditions at the time and of course any skid marks will still be there.

    Just a few thoughts.

  • BoozeRunner

    Perhaps the "murdering motorist" was a Public Official, a Police Officers relative or something like evidence, no prosecution. Sounds sick, but these things occur.

  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    the murderer was a 17-yr-old spurned lover. His woman was walking down our street with her pick-up of the eve and the kid ran him down. The girl was screaming 'oh god am I going to be in trouble too?' because she knew her dickteasing of both men had led to the tragedy. I know this because she was here at my house the next morning trying to do damage control on her we heard the story from both eyewitnesses and from some kids who were at the party where the thing started.

    all involved parties are of the redneck/crackhead/unemployed/feudin'-and-fussin' segment of Corntown's population. And that is probably the reason it took Corntown's Finest four days to decide it was crime enough to deserve forensic examination.

  • Tina

    Mornin ((((((((MD)))))))))
    That is truly terrible and useless forensic technique.
    Rain will wash away crucial evidence. I've personally seen that when the weather is like that,tarps are erected over areas of evidence collection,to preserve the scene the best they can,and the collection is immediate,within the first 24 hrs.
    Any 'evidence' found after that time is severely contaminated,comprimised and very questionable in a court of law.
    Tread and skid marks should have been immediately evaluated.
    I do know that many smaller towns and communitiy law enforcement agencies do not have the proper forensic training. That usually calls for special/more funding that smaller places just dont have.
    And then there is the 'look who it happened to,who really cares' mentality on some agencies part. A lackadaisical approach.
    Anyway,just some thoughts MD,luv,Tina

    Carl Sagan on balancing openness to new ideas with skeptical scrutiny...."if you are open to the point of gullibility and have not an ounce of skeptical sense,you cannot distinguish useful ideas from worthless ones."

  • Tallyman

    anglise: It is possible that the accident was well witnessed and so that aspect doesnt need forensic evidence as such.

    NOne of the Po-lice asked Mommy Dark who lives right in front if she was a witness, which is evidence of their (lack of) thoroughness!

    anglise:what they could be doing is measurment etc to determine speed of vehicle before and after impact, lighting and weather conditions at the time and of course any skid marks will still be there.

    Schmaybe, but they lost an enormous amount of potential evidence due their taking an ExTEnDeD Koffee and Do-Nut break.
    Anglise, would you happen to be married to a cop, or do you just like to play Devil's Advocate or are Open To All Possibilities... and are hesitant to say anything Nazty about the Po-lice?

    Just a few thoughts.

    Here are a few thoughts:
    If you are a Soccer Mom driving your minivan full of your kids to practice and happen to forget to wear your seat belt and happen to get blue-lighted and pulled over by a Pig and the Pig yanks your ass out of the van and arrests and handcuffs and hauls you down to the Po-lice station in front of your kids... might have a few more thoughts, too.


  • Tallyman


    you gots to tell me... WHAT IS that pic?

    is it a gall stone the doctors just extracted?

    but I thought those were GREEN!


  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    Tom, you silly, that is an unretouched PHOTOGRAPH of Mommie Dark! I am as you see, goddess-shaped and warmly wooden-headed, fat, smug, with rude breasts. In short, the perfect woman... ;)

    I have a series of such flattering photos which will be interchanged regularly for your viewing pleasure.

    No, don't thank me, it's the least I can do for you menz...

  • Tallyman
    I am as you see, goddess-shaped and warmly wooden-headed, fat, smug, with rude breasts. In short, the perfect woman...

    heee. kinda like a Kadillac... 'built for komfort, not for speed'


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