CO's giving new instructions?

by Yerusalyim 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Yerusalyim

    My step-son, a JW (18 years old) is here to visit for the summer. In a conversation yesterday he informed me that his CO is now instructing congregations to "use the bible more" in their presentations when they're out on service. Sean said, "He said this is because we don't want to be known as just selling, I mean placing, magazines." I found his slip (selling verses placing) as well as the whole concept of the conversation quite interesting. Are the JW's going back to the bible?


    There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
    Shakespere: Hamlet

  • qwerty

    Over here in the UK it's the same.
    On our recent CO's visit we were all encouraged to use our Bible. Infact going out with only the Bible in hand, if interest is shown then asking if we can call back soon with a piece of literature.


  • slipnslidemaster

    and you all wonder if they read these boards or not.

    I believe that the term "publishing firm" and all the other references to selling literature are making their way to the top.

    Slipnslidemaster: Doin' the humpty hump...just doin' the humpty hump...

  • wannahelp

    I know my friend has made it a very big point to me that they are being encouraged lately to read the bible more.. He said that has been a push for the past year or two...

  • Copernicus

    I think that Slip&Slide is absolutely right. During my last few years of recent active “service,” approaching anyone with an outright offer of a WT or Awake rag almost invariably produced no reaction other then immediate rejection or that “stare” of ridicule (anyone who’s experienced that knows what I mean, ha, ha). There was/is such hostility toward the WT stereotype held by the vast majority in this country (and deservedly so) that it was self-defeating to attempt to initiate any discussion based on the literature – it simply had no credibility. The bible on the other hand, could sometimes produce different results (until they found out you were a WTS salesman). It was sooooooo hopeless and depressing.

    The Internet I’m sure is largely responsible for this, as when I would occasionally find “interest” I would attempt to ascertain whether or not the individual had computer access. I found that if such was the case, on my return I typically faced a sneering sort of indifference that made me feel as if I had the word CULT stamped in red ink across my forehead. . . or else I had stepped in some dog leavings in the yard and tracked it up to the door. Obviously they had done some homework.

    And why not? How could someone read and come to any sort of positive, objective conclusion about the material presented by the WTS. I mean, have your read any of that stuff lately? I was embarrassed many times and would try to downplay the contents. Especially the “you’re going to be annihilated if you don’t listen to me now” type of themes. Geeze, give people a break why don’t ya!

    So it comes as no surprise to hear a CO offering this sort of direction. They’re desperate too for anything that will instill any possibility of success in the “ministry.” The WTS has no one to blame but themselves. When they have a captive audience of several million who have no alternative but to swallow any swill that they produce, I think they tended to lose sight of little things like editorial content and storyline continuity, ha, ha.

    If I was in Brooklyn the first thing I’d do would be to give that tired old writing committee the boot. Although they’d have to face a bit of “punishment” first for forcing me to sit through readings of such GEMS as the Daniel book!!!!

    What’s the second thing I’d do? Hmmmmm. . . liquidate assets maybe? Transfers to Swiss bank accounts?

  • buffalosrfree

    Now if they will only take the blinders off when they read, then maybe they can benefit from a reading without watchtower speak clouding their minds. However they will be encouraged to only come to preset conclusions approved by the governing body and the local elder body. The bibles will be opened the r&f out in droves however there will be no one home lights on tho. Yuck what a bunch of bull. Go out with the bible but what ever you do, do not and i repeat do not think or come to any unauthorized conclusions. Buff

  • MacHislopp

    Hello Yerusalyim,

    your topic is interesting. I've also
    seen this kind of presentation given more "meaning " here
    in Europe, and the comment of slipnslidemaster is a very
    accurate one. I have also heard... that "WTS" have a special
    dept. concerning the w.w.web and obviously ...reading ,and
    scanning, editing whatever is of interest to them. The person
    who told me added that after 1,2,3 hours those assigned to such
    "task" have to take ' a special break ' just in case!

    Agape, J.C. MacHislopp

  • ozziepost

    G'day Yeru,

    Isn't it amazing? 'True christians' are being encouraged to proclaim the gospel by using the Bible!

    Whatever will they think of next? !


    Freedom is not having to wear a tie.

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