Letter to Shunned Mom

by ESTEE 20 Replies latest social family


    While browsing one of the other forums, I ran across this letter that a jw son wrote to explain to his mom why he is shunning her. I decided I would answer it and deal with some of the issues that arose as a result. Thought I'd share my thoughts with all of you...


    Dear Mom. I've needed to write this letter to you for some time now. You
    need to know what my stand is regarding our relationship. I've waited to
    let my feeling and thoughts on the matter be sure.

    First of all, this letter is not a scathing denunciation of you, nor a
    petition for you to come back to the brotherhood. Neither of such efforts
    are worthy of my time or yours. You have made a choice- this is your right.
    However, it is my right to make a choice, too. Because you left the
    brotherhood, I chose to have no relationship with you. I love the creator
    and the brotherhood far more than I love you. Not to say I wasn't
    heartbroken; I am just confident that I am doing what is right and will do
    it at all costs.

    I am mindful, though, that I have a scriptural obligation to provide for you
    should you ever need assistance financially. You may contact me for such matters only.

    Other news, whcih I know you have heard, is that I'm getting married this
    month to XXXXXXX. She is everything I've ever wanted in a
    woman-intelligent, spiritual, mild, beautiful, industrious, etc. Because of
    your actions, I chose not to invite you, even to the ceremony. I want our
    day to be joyful, and your presence would rob us of that joy. I am not
    apologetic for this choice.

    Finally, you should know I am happier, more content, and more blessed in my life now than I have ever been. Jehovah has provided me with strength and joy. I am confident I have done what I (underlined) want to do, not what others have told me. (Though I know you don't believe that."

    Well, that pretty much sums up all that I need to say. I wish you well. I
    hope you have found greater happiness by your course of life, and that you
    have no regrets.
    I will always love you, though my love has changed.
    Your son,


    Shunned Mom's Response

    Dear "Son",

    I too am a shunned mom ... as is your own mom. As a mom who raised a j-dub son too, I see the way you write... in "rote" ....

    As a mom who raised a j-dub, I also know that in you are the same qualities that are in me ... the will and strength to leave when the time is right. Knowledge of this helps me to let you go ... and release you to your rigid spiritual path that you are choosing for now. It lets me go and free myself to live and be true to myself and follow my dreams and my intuition.

    My love for my son is still un-conditional, because I love him regardless of whether he blocks my love or not. The love reaches to a higher spiritual consciousness than his physical blockage is able. His love for me is "conditional". He physically blocks himself from loving me, because of my choices. His loss. My love for him still burns strong and sure.

    I am very happy to say that at last I have found happiness in living my life now the way that I choose (self-directed), rather than the way someone else chooses for me, whether it be a husband or a religion.

    Marrying a wife, you will note will not bring you the happiness you desire. No other person can fulfill your life, you can only fill your own void... and not with another person... I have learned.

    I bless you and release you to your spiritual journey. We are all entitled to our own spiritual journey.




    Okay, everyone on JWD ... I'd sure appreciate your comments!!!

  • Smyler
    Because of your actions, I chose not to invite you, even to the ceremony. I want our
    day to be joyful, and your presence would rob us of that joy. I am not
    apologetic for this choice.

    I just can't get over this paragraph..... The WT is such a Cult

  • Sassy
    Finally, you should know I am happier, more content, and more blessed in my life now than I have ever been.

    That point kills me. He is telling his mother by the choices she has made, he is cutting himself off from her life and then shortly afterward writes the above?? Like a knife in the gut. You are out of my life and I am happier, more content than I have ever been. That so sucks.

    When I told my mom recently that I was leaving, I knew her stand would be to cut me off just as my dfd sister has been for years. Fortunately she wasn't cruel, but she still said that she knew this was the truth and she will defend it to death. I couldn't help but think, yes and sacrafice your daughter. But then it's ok because I knew this was the stand she would take. It is still sad. This shunning or cutting off has always been a problem for me to accept. I was never one to shun anyone even while a JW.

    My heart goes out to you ESTEE, I too have lost children in my life. Fortunately we have a chance to be happy in spite of the hurts.

  • Dimples

    (((((((((((( Estee )))))))))))))

    Thanks for the post. I know that must have been difficult to write. It is so horrible how they just tear families apart, of course they would deny that. His letter to him Mom was so harsh, cold and cruel. Your letter was so calm, warm and touching. I feel for you. I have two children and they mean the world to me. I can't imagine not having them in my life.


  • Scully

    I'm sure I've read a letter almost the same as, if not identical to, this one.

    It makes me wonder if there is a form letter like this out there for JWs to write to their DFd or DAd relatives.

    ((((((((((((((( Estee ))))))))))))))

    Love, Scully

  • Panda

    ESTEE, what a sad miserable little man this "Son" has become. Imagine when the realities of marriage hit him. Not inviting a parent to the wedding is that little bit of power "Son" feels he has. Make no mistake this is not about loyalty, it is about the little man's power to hurt his mother. Control control control. Even the way he talks about the future "Mrs.Son" , shows how her pliable nature is important ... well most women out grow the subservient role and *bam* Son will have a wake up call.

    ESTEE your son has hurt you, and you still love him. I doubt he understands where that love comes from. It's almost like the "sons" of shunned Mom's view mother love as second class. Foolish, heartless dubs.

    Hugs, Panda

  • stillajwexelder

    I would gladly put a bullet through my own head before I treated my mother like that -- fortunately she and my father never studied and are do not calls -- she slamed the door in the faces of the witnesses when they last called -- she loved me unconditionally when I became a witness and told me I was making a mistake -- and now I am having doubts and on the slow fade she still loves me -- and never once says -- I told you so.


    Smyler wrote in response to the son's words:

    "Because of your actions, I chose not to invite you, even to the ceremony. I want our day to be joyful, and your presence would rob us of that joy. I am not apologetic for this choice."

    I just can't get over this paragraph..... The WT is such a Cult.

    The jws cannot apologize for their shunning because they are doing what they are told to do. It is part of their requirement to be a cult member. Shun. To show any feeling or weakness would betray a lack of ?spiritual strengthTM? on their part. Human-ness is not allowed to enter into the equation.

    sns wrote re son's comment:

    "Finally, you should know I am happier, more content, and more blessed in my life now than I have ever been," he wrote.

    That point kills me. He is telling his mother by the choices she has made, he is cutting himself off from her life and then shortly afterward writes the above?? Like a knife in the gut. You are out of my life and I am happier, more content than I have ever been. That so sucks.

    I see it as a case of him trying to convince himself of his own happiness. ?See, God is blessing me because I?m obedient!? I'm not buying. I was a j-dub and I was unhappy. So I know that being a good j-dub does not ensure personal happiness or fulfillment. Nor does marrying a servant-woman bring happiness. He itemizes a checklist of her qualifications ?and throws ?beauty? in the middle of his list. Too funny. Too humiliating? Scary how he describes his new future wife -- intelligent, spiritual, mild, beautiful, industrious, --- like he has a checklist that she had to fit into. GAWD!!! What have I taught him!!!

    Dimples wrote:

    Thanks for the post. I know that must have been difficult to write. It is so horrible how they just tear families apart, of course they would deny that. His letter to his Mom was so harsh, cold and cruel. Your letter was so calm, warm and touching. I feel for you. I have two children and they mean the world to me. I can't imagine not having them in my life.

    That he is happier because he has cut me off? Yes, well, he has to convince himself first that he is happier. Perhaps he really believes he is happier without me in his life. He has to convince himself that he has been blessedTM ?

    I'm a bit concerned how that will impact his relationship with his new wife, feeling that he must cut a natural part of his loving self off from expressing itself. I figure that is bound to affect his marriage. Will he be wondering why something is missing in his marriage, then blame his new wife for not "fulfilling" him as a husband? The hole is in him, yet it is up to his wife to fill the hole?? It's what I've been trying to tell him in my letter, that No other person can fulfill his life, he can only fill his own void... and not with another person... Unfortunately, that is not what his religion teaches...so he would not accept it as having any validity. And he will continue to blame his new wife who has been trained to bend over backward to try and please an unpleasable situation.

    Scully wrote:

    I'm sure I've read a letter almost the same as, if not identical to, this one. It makes me wonder if there is a form letter like this out there for JWs to write to their DFd or DAd relatives.

    Seems to me the official policy of the j-dubs is one of passive aggression. I'm sure there isn't an "official letter" ... because the official stand of the WT is to shun and not communicate with df'd ones. What the common thread is with each j-dub is their rigidity toward the df'd relative...their stone coldness and unresponsiveness. They are expected to react a certain way to their disfellowshipped relative, so they "act" the part. There is a part of me that wonders if they are "acting" to impress their elders. With sons, especially ... I think they may be trying to win points so that they may be "rewarded" with theocratic "privileges", etc. Maybe some of our "bruthers" on JWD might be able to enlarge on that dynamic a bit more.

    Panda wrote:

    ESTEE, what a sad miserable little man this "Son" has become. Imagine when the realities of marriage hit him. Not inviting a parent to the wedding is that little bit of power "Son" feels he has. Make no mistake this is not about loyalty, it is about the little man's power to hurt his mother. Control control control. Even the way he talks about the future "Mrs.Son" , shows how her pliable nature is important ... well most women out grow the subservient role and *bam* Son will have a wake up call.

    Power! Yes! I see it as a power play, too. He wants to hurt me because I left the religion, so ? by not inviting me to the wedding, he figures it will hurt me baaaad. Maybe baaaaaad enough to bring me to my senses so that I will come crying back to the loving fold of Jegoober?s borganization!!!

    ESTEE your son has hurt you, and you still love him. I doubt he understands where that love comes from. It's almost like the "sons" of shunned Mom's view mother love as second class. Foolish, heartless dubs.

    Wow, what a powerful point you make, Panda! Thanks! Yes, the son that despises the sacredness of his mother's love! What karmic implications might that have down the road!!!

    stillajwexelder wrote:

    I would gladly put a bullet through my own head before I treated my mother like that -- fortunately she and my father never studied and are do not calls -- she slamed the door in the faces of the witnesses when they last called -- she loved me unconditionally when I became a witness and told me I was making a mistake -- and now I am having doubts and on the slow fade she still loves me -- and never once says -- I told you so.

    I'm glad your mom is loving with you, even though the love gets tested with time. Seems like a mom's love stands the tests of time, though... Maybe that is what being a mom is all about ... it is a test of being able to love unconditionally. The Karmic life lesson.

    I do not shun my children. For me to use the word would be giving energy and recognition for a behavior that I do not have to recognize. I acknowledge and love my children. Even with them at a distance, I feel a connection and love for them. They are in my dreams and in my heart. I respect their choices to avoid me because I respect my children. They are adult and I decided that the choices they make are adult --- and their own. I trust that they are their own choices and not the choices of the cult. Even though the cult rules are a factor, I still believe that my children are free moral agents and are choosing -- based on their own knowledge and decision.

    I recognize that they do not understand my reaction to them. They may wonder why I am not bitter and why I am not angry. Perhaps they also expect that! Bottom line is that I am behaving how I choose to behave toward them. I am not following a cult?s rules in living my life where they are concerned. My love for them is free and open, unhindered, unencumbered by man-made rules and contradictions and complications. I believe that unconditional love transcends their conditional love.

    My friends know my feelings. My partner knows my feelings. I have nothing to hide. I do not have to suppress my true self from my friends.

    Sometimes I feel sad, and I allow myself to express my grief. My partner understands it and accepts my grief ...and supports me. I love him for that. My friends are understanding and supportive as well. You are my friends here in the cyberworld of JWD. As well, I have personal friends in my real world. I love you all!!!

    And my life goes on. I live my dreams and my passions. My life is rich and full. When I miss my kids, I visit them in my dreams or in my subconscious or in my visualizations. I journal about them. I write on JWD about my experiences and my feelings. It feels healthy.

    And I remember that I taught them what they know. That means that they also have the tools to leave, as I have left! I trust that they will leave -- when their time is right, and when they have reached a place of growth and enlightenment in their lives for them to feel safe to do so. I did! So they can as well!!!

    I bless them and release them to their spiritual path!!! God Speed!!!



    Okay, brutherz ... Question for youz...

    sons, especially ... ...trying to win points so that they may be "rewarded" with theocratic "privileges", etc. Maybe some of our "bruthers" on JWD might be able to enlarge on that a bit more.

    How much of a factor are these "theocratic privileges" ...? Does a guy bend over backwards to please the elders ... to get privileges ...?

    I'd love to hear your opinions.


  • SheilaM

    Wonderful response gurrrrrrrrrrl!!!!!

    I know with Thunder they took his privleges for marrying me <yes, I was now baptized but I had "gone against" their recommendations <bite me cheese n craker men> They would dangle crap in front of him to intice him to change his relationship with me. But it never worked finally he was turning down stuff which irked their liver even more.

    Estee I am so sorry they have turned your children against you sweetieBut, I am so happy you are trying to reach others this way.

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