Secret To Life

by Paradise Found 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Paradise Found
    Paradise Found

    To me it seems the highest form of life is to find something you love and give your life to it.

    With me its Beer, Music and Painting.

    But the things I love have given me everything. Freedom, Peace, Success in my profession as an artist. Finally and most importantly 12 years of marriage.

    What are the things you love ? And how much more do you enjoy them now you have more time to dedicate to them? (Without meeting, service ect)

  • shamus

    For me it is mountains and climbing. It is a real passion of mine and one that will not die. Ever since I was a child I loved the mountains... looked forward to skiing, etc. I dreamed of living there, and here I am. They are a place where there is nothing to distract you but nature and you.

  • Paradise Found
    Paradise Found


    Iam From Sweden ..So I Know what you mean about the Beauty in Nature.

    We have mountains near here. I have a view of a lake as I mail. It snowed today and I hope blue skies tomorrow and autumn sun tomorrow.

  • shamus

    We have snow forecast for WEdnesday.. I am verfy much looking forward to it!

    Sounds nice where you are!

  • Flowerpetal

    I love being at the beach on a warm, breezy day listening to the waves while worshipping the sun. This past Thursday was a day like this and I was there with my significant other. It was wonderful!!!

  • rocketman

    I enjoy reading, working outdoors, sports, music listening.

    When I was a jw elder, I barely had time for things I enjoyed. I felt like my life was blowing by me and I had lost my identity. The past three years, since fading, I fel like life has slowed down and I have time to do things I enjoy.

  • stillajwexelder

    I enjoy travel --so freeing up weekends by not attending Public Talks/Watchtower study and field service is really great

  • MegaDude

    My secret of life: work hard, play hard, enjoy your passions, be mindful and aware, find your truth, love people, let people love you.

    Being in nature is one of my favorite things: hiking in Yosemite, sailing, scuba diving, skiing.

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    Paradise Found,

    I agree with your thinking. The items you speak of have also brought me much fullfillment ( beats going door to door) and I might also add, my children have been the "icing on the cake" in my life. Having them here is the greatest high. As Mega Dude says in his post, different people might have different "truths". I do believe this is an accurate observation.


  • heathen

    I'm still looking for that one thing . I do love the outdoors but we don't have much of that in the city , I do love music but realize I will never be a pro , I love to read and excercise and surf the web . I currently don't have a significant other so not much there .

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