The Geek Test

by closer2fine 78 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu

    16.76529% - Geek

    This reminds me of when my friend asked me to write a Pong game for his Commodore 64...... so I did.

  • expatbrit
    plus I can go into a museum and start naming the artist of a particular piece without looking at the placard.

    "Shite" is not a name.


  • Sara Annie
    Sara Annie

    I'm 27% geek plus change.... Total Geek.

    Which is fine with me, that's about how I'd assess my geek v. non-geek ratio.

    I was mildly surprised that they had my collection listed in the "I collect" section. (I collect cheap, plastic souvenir location snow globes--and I have stingent guidelines as to what is acceptable for entrance into my collection. That alone merits me the title of at least 'geek')

  • Valis

    52.66272% - Super Geek

  • drwtsn32

    Wow out-geeked sens. I don't believe your score. lol

  • Valis

    really dr...I teach computer science for dog's sake! *LOL* oh and um yeah I've gone to a con dressed up in costume. and I know what a Dungeon Master is...*LOL*


    District Overbeer

  • waiting


    I learned a computer out of necessity.........and only learned what's absolutely necessary.

    I still don't know how to use the memory on my adding machine and find no purpose in learning.

    My son fixed my stupid stereo at home (and I was so proud of him) and he said "All I did was turn it back on, mom." Well, he still fixed it - as I couldn't get it to do that.

  • waiting
    plus I can go into a museum and start naming the artist of a particular piece without looking at the placard.

    "Shite" is not a name.


    snicker. I just got that one.

  • drwtsn32
    really dr...I teach computer science for dog's sake! *LOL* oh and um yeah I've gone to a con dressed up in costume. and I know what a Dungeon Master is...*LOL*

    ROFL Valis....I will not doubt you ever again!

  • sens

    Doc!!!!!!! U must have skipped half the questions!!!

    Well Done Valis

    Bubba Got 64 Btw Doc....Im So Proud !!!

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