anyone had the shakes before?

by morty 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • breal

    you might want to make sure the level of patch you are on is the right one based on how much you smoked before you quit. I was never able to use the patch cuz I got the shakes too. Zyban works for some people. make sure you clean out all your smoking reminders (Ashtray) and anything that can smell like smoke. maybe buy an air freshener for car/home...try to change your routine a bit to keep your mind off it.

    i used to chew on straws and carry a few cut up ones around cuz some are about the width of a smoke and they can keep both your hands and mouth busy...

    also lots of water and try to exercise some if you are able.

    other people have tried accupuncture, or being hypnotized...

    Hope it gets easier for you! Good luck!

  • Surreptitious

    Sorry Morts, wasn't trying to be flip. Just trying to cheer you up!

  • Shutterbug

    I quit some thirty years ago at the ripe old age of 34, and believe me, I know exactly what you are having to endure. The first three days are horrible, and then things start to get a little better. I know it's rough but, believe me, it is worth the effort. You will experience smells you haven't known since you started smoking. And food, will taste 100% better. So hang in there and reap the rewards. Bug

  • shera

    Keep it up,when the worst is over your going to feel sooooo good!

    I used to smoke and it made me feel horrible,sometimes I don't understand how I even started ...

  • blondie

    morton, I have never been a smoker but have helped several through this back in my old JW days. This is a normal response. Your body is getting rid of the nicotine toxins. But....I would check with a health professional to see if there are some ways to allieve (sp?) the symptoms. But hang in there.


  • rocketman

    I nver smoked mortons, but I must say that I admire you for this effort to give up smoking!

  • frenchbabyface

    Cool ... you give me hope

  • smack

    the French are supposed to smoke!!!


  • czarofmischief

    Hang tough, soldier.

    I got the shakes when I went into withdrawal from my painkillers. Yikes, that was crazy. All better now, mostly.

    It gets better. Bearable, at least. And if you have a good reason to do it, then it is worth it.


  • frenchbabyface

    I do ... I do Smack ... (unfortunatly !!!) !

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