Talk 2 And 4

by Paradise Found 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • simplesally

    For the sisters it created the settings. Before sisters had a counsel point ie: gestures or volume and pausing. The sister was able to use the material, create a setting (like talking to a co-worker, house to house, etc) and then incorporate the counsel point. Now, the TMS would control under what setting the sister was speaking. I could not believe one setting was "talking to a householder with a foreign language." (something like that).

    I truly remember that was the first time I really laughed at how stupid the brothers could be. I remember telling a sister, "Yeah, right, now how do you develop a talk that lasts 5 minutes with that setting? In real life we either speak a little spanish and get their name and information to pass along to the Spanish hall or if they are Vietnamese, we just mark it down on the territory and turn it in."

    There would never be a Scriptural discussion with a foreign speaking person by most of the sisters in the hall. Very few of us could speak Spanish. I did and carried a Spanish Bible, but that was in my old territory. It was a crazy thing when that new guide book came out.

  • Pistoff

    I was excited too when I heard they were changing the format in 03, and then I actually went and heard it.

    Ugh. It is even more boring than before. And it will produce fewer good speakers, brothers anyway. They have raised the requirements for everything these days, it seems, including when brothers get a #4 talk. The #2 talk, meanwhile, is not a talk but a reading only, NO comments before or after the bible reading.

    Wow. How challenging.

    My youngest son was just starting to write his own intro's, and getting into how to apply the material. I think this is the real difference; less room for what any person thinks, and more of just reading.

  • metatron

    The TMS is mostly just more dumbing down. Originally, you had a written review test THAT WAS HANDED IN AND GRADED!!!!

    No, I'm not making that up. Now there is no written review. The talks are mostly reading and cut and paste rehash.


  • Elsewhere

    Anyone want a copy of the new 2002 TMS book in PDF format?

    Click here to download

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