Holy S***!!! My boss at my new job is a JW!

by Elsewhere 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jim_TX


    It will be interesting to see how 'JW' he is when it comes to birthdays.

    I don't know about YOUR company, but many always celebrate them... with cake. Usually, they do this on break time, and I have seem an active practicing JW (regular pioneer, too) stuffing his mouth full of the stuff. When I confronted him with something like "When did Jehovah's Witnesses begin celebrating birthdays?" he responded, "Oh! It's not 'Birthday Cake', it's just 'Good Cake'!"

    Yeah, right! *rolls eyes*


    Jim TX

  • Sentinel

    Hi Elsewhere,

    Bet you were sweating it for a moment. But, hey, the guy may be like so many JW's, and that is putting on the front where it counts and being himself otherwise. What a dilema and we know what thats like, for sure. Maybe you can be a true friend and help him figure out a few things.

    This could be a very good thing. JW's are so fearful of the tattletale syndrome, so if you let him know you are free of that dogma and not concerned with his choices, maybe he will open up to you.

    New jobs are difficult enough, so I'd just relax and put the ball in his court and see where he takes things. Best wishes to you!

  • amac

    I think its good you told him. You should now befriend him personally so he can see that ex-jws aren't all possesed by demons and frothing at the mouth with lunacy.

  • waiting
    Another on came up to me and said that he would have to keep our coversation to a employer employee relationship I said no problem " Get back to work" lol. - yesterday's child

    Very good, Boss!

    I was speaking with an attorney the other day, and he told me that the First Amendment & Shunning do not "flow over" into business. If an xjw loses business in any way because of shunning, etc., - if it can be documented........there is a winable lawsuit.

    If nothing else, "Business is Business" - and religion is not allowed to interfere.

    Hey Elsewhere!

    I think you'll do fine. Most jw's know that the vast majority of "raised in the Truth" persons aren't active anymore. He probably feels less threatened you'll report him by you're being inactive.


  • Elsewhere

    Very true... The instant a JW discriminates against a person in a business dealing the anti-discrimination laws kick in in full force... and the state is VERY serious about accusations.

    Ever noticed how the WTS says that it is OK to associate with DFed and DAed people when it comes to business? This tells you that their priority is NOT the bible but the almighty dollar (and avoiding clear-cut discrimination lawsuits).

  • shotgun

    Elsewhere that was an interesting comment to make to your new boss in the bathroom JW or not.

    Just before leaving work I crossed paths with him in the mens room... I told him that I would not give him a hard time

    Are you after a quick promotion

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    (((ELSE))) Good luck! Keep us posted....sounds like work will be an interesting adventure from now on....

    Frannie B

  • Panda

    Else, You have handled this perfectly. Why should you hide your story when he's got his right out there on the desk? The simple fact that he displays his religion is an open invitation to ask, will you discriminate because I disagree w/ you.

    What would be fun is that CoC idea. Have a copy out on your desk, w/ your own name label. Leave it there at all times. Since his Bible and WT are out he can't complain and maybe he's already read the book and can't wait to talk w/ you about it. Way to go buddy ...

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