Need Help With My DA Letter...

by shamus 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • unbeliever

    There is no way I would waste a $.37 postage stamp or printer ink on those pricks. I might tell them verbally "I quit" and then slam the door in their face.

  • jgnat

    I love the confuse-em' answers. LOL. Temporary withdrawal of affection! LOL.

  • rocketman

    Dear John, I'm movin' on, by this time I'm gonna be long gone.

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    Did you write it yet? I'd love to read it.

    My parents wrote very short ones. They knew that all that mattered was getting out. The wording wasn't going to change a single thing in anyones mind. It will be read, discussed once and filed away forever and forgotten.


    Invictus wrote:

    due to a failure of the wt society to live up to MY high standards of love, compassion and honesty, I can no longer in a good conscience be associated with jehovah`s hand of friendship is however still extended to honest hearted ones who wish to remain my friends and hear true reasons for my leaving.

    LOL!!! Love it!!!!



    I get the impression: yes.

    But I'm not entirely sure.

    Let us know when you get back here on-line.

    Thanks Shamus.

  • morty

    short and to the will get swept, I mean filed under the carpet.....good luck!


  • AlanB

    Anyone upto date on the 'Current Thinking' on the difference between DF, DA or just plainly faded. What is the benefit of writing a DA letter?


  • woodland

    I?ve always thought that the main difference is CHOICE!!!

    If you are DS?ed, you?ve gone against the orgs rules, been caught, or confessed and have been punished or ousted from the congregation.

    If 'YOU' DA 'YOURSELF', it?s your choice! I think it sends a clear message to remaining members that you?re dissatisfied with the org!!!

  • jgnat

    I have heard the argument that Disassociation is unnecessary, and an XJW who bothers is still following the WT line. Disassociation means nothing biblically or legally. It might, however, take Brooklyn off the hook, in lawsuits, as they can show that members can indeed, leave voluntarily.

    On the other hand, I see that those who have a strong desire to give one last swift kick to the organization, and let them know EXACTLY why they are leaving. No more hiding or ducking.

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