How do you cure hiccups?

by JH 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    I remember once many years ago I drank a few beers quite fast, and then I had those nasty hiccups that lasted over 1 hour. Just when I thought they were gone, hic What usually works is holding my breath as long as I can.

  • WildHorses

    A teaspoon full of sugar will also do the trick.

  • WildHorses

    darn it cali, I should have read the whole thread. You beat me to it. LOL

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith
    but it always works

    I know what it is, you can't fool me, it's


  • SanFranciscoJim

    Put a glass of water on your shoulder. Turn your head sharply towards the shoulder where the glass of water sits. Slowly raise your shoulder towards your head, and drink the glass of water off your shoulder while your head is still sharply turned.

    Works every time!

  • drwtsn32

    I hold my breath...

  • barry

    I had hiccups for three days on about four separate occasions and the only way I cured it was go to the doctor and get a prescription for some little red pills. They give these red pills to mental patients and it was found they would fix hiccups too. Youre doctor will know about them I cant think of the name off hand. Barry

  • Shutterbug

    Years ago I read about a teenager who had a case of the hiccups for a long extended period of time, months as I remember. Anyway, an engineering type rigged up a device that gave her a mild electrical shock everytime she hiccuped, the hiccups went away after a few hours of being hooked up to this contraption. Evidently this proves some hiccups are caused in the brain, which may explain why some of the rather wierd previous ideas for curing them sometimes work.

    I know what it is, you can't fool me, it's


    After reading all of the "cures" put forth here, this is probably the best one yet, altho the constant hicupping might be a bit distracting in the early stages of the "treatment."
  • JH
    Guinness World Records 2000

    (genre= realistic)

    Longest Hiccupping Fit

    In 1922 Charles Osborne from Iowa started hiccupping and continued until 1990. He did not find a cure but had a normal life. He was married twice and had eight children. He had the hiccups for 78 years.
  • JH

    Sure Fire Hiccups Cure?

    A man with a worried look on his face ran into a clinic and asked the doctor if he knew a way to stop the hiccups. Without any warning, the doctor slapped him in the face. Amazed and angry, the young man demanded that the doctor explain his unusual behavior.

    "Well", said the doctor, "you don't have the hiccups now, do you?"

    "No," answered the young man, "but my wife out in the car still does."

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