The Russian letters

by purrpurr 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • purrpurr

    So all the jw's I know are practically wetting their pants in excitement over the Russian letters they are sending out. They seem to have this insane idea that Putin's office will be pulled sky high with all these letters and they have this image in their imaginations of him having to open and read every letter (!)

    Also all the jw's I know have all put their name and address on the letter... Which couldn't have any repercussions of course (!) I mean have they thought about this? They are sending their personal details to a government who hates jws! Insane!

    Well I was sent on the errand of sending my families letters, I posted them alright! .... IN THE BIN! Putin is not getting my families details for a database!

    Oh, and lastly the jws are also saying that this type of campaign has worked in the past, like in Malawi!

  • redpilltwice

    Well I was sent on the errand of sending my families letters, I posted them alright! .... IN THE BIN! Putin is not getting my families details for a database!

    Great job purrpurr, that's a healthy dose of reality!

    Oh, and lastly the jws are also saying that this type of campaign has worked in the past, like in Malawi! thoughts?

  • zeb

    howmany letters are going out of NY bethel ?

  • biblexaminer

    Putin will be so impressed. The Jehovah's Witnesses will spend approximately $100,000,000 on this mailing campaign to produce feed paper for Russian recycling mills. It is estimated that this will create approximately 30 Russian jobs.

    You GO WTS!

    Imagine the good it will do for mother Russia. I can see Putin with a tear in his eye for Watchtower. I can see him truly affected and remorseful for trying so hard to protect the Russian people from anti-education-hate literature at the expense of such a self-sacrificing group.

    Personally, I think that if WT had instead spent $100m helping the poor and disaffected in the worst parts of Russia, and showed some respect for Putin's effort to create an atmosphere of religious tolerance, an atmosphere devoid of "only we, only we, only we" and "you're gonna burn", then maybe he would have made a call in favor of JWs.

  • Carol1111

    What do they put in these letters?

  • biblexaminer
    Letters arriving in Russia now!

  • truth_b_known

    I hope Putin replies to each one in writing. Putin can tell them to kick rocks and count their blessings they are not in Russia.

  • tiki

    Did anyone stop to think that sending a gazillion letters only cements the Russian view of them as a crazy extreme group of fruitcake? I mean seriously....its so lame and stupid.

  • NikL

    My thoughts as well tiki

  • venus

    Former KGB Chief Putin is beyond all predictions. When a school was taken over by the Chechen terrorists who tried to bargain over the lives of innocent school children (over a few hundreds), Putin did not think about the possible loss of lives—he simply ordered commando operation and killed all the terrorists. His policy is to treat terrorists as terrorists. For him extremism means extremism—whether it is through weapon or worship

    That means letter-campaign by JWs is unlikely to have any influence on Putin’s Justice Department. Such human tactics might work with small countries like Malawi. It’s merely human pressure tactics. JWs should learn from Bible character Gideon and his few people. The 300 stood still in their assigned positions as God caused the enemies to use their own swords to slaughter one another. The camp was routed, escape was cut off, and mop-up operations involving an arduous pursuit permanently removed the Midianite threat. The long and murderous occupation has finally come to an end.Judges 7:19-25; 8:10-12, 28.

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