kindom hall "clicks"

by josephus 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • josephus

    hi all

    when i was a jw a was lucky enough to be in a hall with a "click" you know the type. they all hung out together. went to quickbuilds together and ensured that they were the ones with power in the hall.

    i remember trying to join the quickbuild team as a 14 year old, only to be asked by the elder in charge of it (and allso in charge of the click), what building qualifications i had!. i was asked so they could refuse me then the elder and his cronies could continue their binge drinking after the days work.( hilary step might know the guy)

    they would all stand at the back of the hall and talk and if you dared to approach them you got made fun of or ignored. they groomed young guys for positions in the hall if they thought they would be "one of the boys". needless to say i never was.

    i tried to be a good witness and talked to my classmates about the truth they just pretended they werent jws. funnily enough these sadass men have all stuck in bar one despite my knowing about their multiple infidelities and alcaholism.

    did you have any similar peaple in your hall ?


    all i can say is god help the artist formally known as prince.

  • Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
    Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.

    Sure did - they all used to stand around clicking their heels, clicking their fingers, and clicking their tongues. Very annoying.

    cheeses - who is glad he never did fit in with the clique.

  • anglise

    Hi Josephus

    Yup saw the same cliques in our area. If you fitted OK if not well you where derided. Same ones used to strut round the Ass halls (ours was Hayesbridge) during the talks looking busy and important and NEVER listening to the items.

    Very hard for those who didnt fit and wanted to do the right thing. All goes to prove what an unloving org it really is.


  • josephus

    you cruel cruel wannabe english teacher you!!!

    im going to bed. youve made me cry.


  • Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
    Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.


    I ain't never was no english teacher. All me skills I had too taught meself. So they're you goes.

    cheeses - offering a tissue.

  • morty

    oh yes.........i sure the hell did not fit in that click.....i guess i could not bend my elbow hard enough or sleep with everyones husband fast

    holey cheeses......sounds like you were in The Wizard of Oz.....with all your

    would have rather been on that set,then the kh


  • shamus

    I remember them...

    I ask you, though. After feeling bad and not worthy enough of having friends by them, wasn't it good to just tell them to got to hell and get real friends instead? That's the way that I felt... when they would eventually ask me to their silly "dances" and stupid things like that, I already had other plans with real friends... I'd just say, "sorry, I have plans with my friends"... they all knew that they were worldlies, anyways.

    Also, would you really want to hang with those losers when they would gossip and put other ppl down? I grew tired of that very fast, and would not hang with them anymore. Their rude and ignorant comments toward other human beings grew tiresome at best.

  • Kenneson

    Oh, I'm on the wrong thread. I thought it said kingdom hall "flicks."

  • Beans

    Assembly Cleeks, is what I remember. Wow and you get to hang out with people twice a year, whoopdeedoo! Ahhh the memories of lonleyness between assemblies!


    Canadian District Overbeer

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D
    Oh, I'm on the wrong thread. I thought it said kingdom hall "flicks." Ken

    Funny, and I thought at first glance of the topic that we were going to talk about KH 'chicks' The 'in crowd' clique in the KH. I was part of it. Still kinda am with her wifeness, sorry, trying to break free Winston.

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