Washington State-Spokesman-Review article: The Silent Witnesses

by AndersonsInfo 5 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • AndersonsInfo

    The Silent Witnesses: Jehovah’s Witnesses covered up child sexual abuse in Washington state for decades, lawsuit alleges

    Sun., Oct. 2, 2022

    By Wilson CriscioneInvestigateWest
    They were in the Bible study room when Deryk Terril, a shy 11-year-old with shaggy hair in 1976, found the courage to finally say something: An elder at a Jehovah’s Witnesses congregation in Spokane had been molesting him for years, Terril, now 57, recounts in a lawsuit filed in August.

    He says he told a church leader he trusted to protect him.

    Instead, the church leader got angry and told Terril they could do nothing about it without a second witness, Terril says. Police weren’t notified, he says, nor were his parents. The church allowed the alleged abuser, John Earl Jones, to continue spending time with Terril, and he molested the boy for years after, court documents say.

    Around the same time, the mother of another boy in the congregation, Daniel Enholm, reported to the church that Jones had touched her son, too. Again, the other church leaders failed to act, allowing Jones to be around the boys, the lawsuit says.

    In the years after that, more boys came forward saying Jones sexually abused them, according to Terril and Enholm. Still, they say, church officials never alerted police.

    Jones abused at least two more children in the following decades, court records show, before spending 16 years in a California prison for continuous sexual abuse of a child under 14. “It could have been prevented if somebody had called the police (back in the ’70s),” Enholm tells InvestigateWest.

    Jones, now 72, has since been released from prison. InvestigateWest’s attempts to reach him for this story were unsuccessful. READ MORE:


  • Listener

    Thanks for the link to the shocking news Barbara and also for all the work that you've done in this area.

    How the GB can stand in front of an audience and claim incidents like these are bold face lies is a disgrace.

  • Atlantis

    Yes, agreed! Shocking and shameful. The GB need to be locked up!

    Thank you Barbara!


  • wannaexit

    Very sad. Thanks for the update Barb.

  • BluesBrother

    Terrible story... The reality is that back in the 70’s child abuse was just not taken seriously, as it is today.. since it always takes place in private it wa often assumed that the kid was making it up.

    You would think though that even the dumbest elders, in the absence of an official laid down policy on it, would have alarm bells ringing if multiple claims against the same person were made? Evidently not...

    we shall watch with interest.

  • Diogenesister
    Terrible story... The reality is that back in the 70’s child abuse was just not taken seriously, as it is today.. since it always takes place in private it was often assumed that the kid was making it up.

    Blues I'm going to have to disagree with you there. I know you're a Brit so it's not an area thing. It was because responsible adult witnesses didn't report it as ordered by Watchtower service department.

    In the seventies I was molested. I told my parents. Quick as a flash a police detective was walking me through the area and I showed him how, where and what happened. I was examined by a police surgeon. He was caught. He was convicted. As in the reported case he'd done it to other kids.

    Something also happened to my Jehovah's witness neighbour. Her parents DIDNT report it to the police.😡 (Which I wasn't aware of until fairly recently).Yes, kids were definitely less likely to be believed back then and we kids were far less watched. But often the difference between a child that was protected in the end and one that wasn't, was having an ADULT who would REPORT and Watchtower wasn't going to report no matter how many kids came forward. Some parents told them to stick it, though, thank goodness.

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