Would the world be a better place without religion?

by pistolpete 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LoveUniHateExams

    It's difficult to say.

    But I think the world would be better off without Islam, WTS, LDS and other cult-like religions. That's what Islam basically is: one giant cult.

  • pistolpete
    road to nowhere

    Human nature will find a way to have conflicts. Controlling personalities, greed, nationalities, race, tribes, intellectualism e. We all believe something whether we call it religious or something else.

    Human nature’s primary objective is to SURVIVE. It does this by adapting to its environment. It will do whatever it takes to survive and pass on its genes.
    “Humans” are hardwired to AVOID DEATH. This is natural as “REALITY” without being tarnished by “Religious Ideas” -------shows without a doubt that This Is the Only Life We Get.

    Nationalities, race, tribes, intellectualism, etc. will engage in war. But why?

    Because today-- all tribes, nationalities, race, ect., are driven to put their life on the line because Religion has sullied their reality of Truth----which is that we only have ONE LIFE----AND THERE IS NO OTHER.

    Religion today has manipulated the MINDS of humans with its promises of a second chance, an afterlife, a promise that death is not the end game.

    Leaders of tribes or Politicians of nations, use this manipulation of an afterlife to convince its citizens or nations or tribes, or races, that if they fight their wars, God will reward them with an afterlife, whether in heaven, earth, or some form of reincarnation.

    But now, take out the (“Second Chance, the Afterlife, the Reward after death” out of the picture)
    Then with this knowledge of reality, how many citizens would obey the politicians to go fight their war if there is no Heaven? How many tribesmen would listen to the Elder tribe leader if he ordered them to a deadly war, especially if they all knew Death ended everything? I assume they would kill the Elder tribe leader first instead of putting their ONLY LIFE on the line.

    To show how powerful Religious Ideas are and their effects on unnecessary death, consider, how many Jehovah Witnesses would continue to obey the Organization’s mandates if they all knew there was no such thing a resurrection into a paradise earth!----ZERO! Imagine the millions of blood related deaths and broken families that would be eliminated! Imagine if Muslims found out Allah doesn’t exist. Or what would Christians do if the President gave an executive order for all young men to go fight a deadly conflict -----for GOD, and COUNTRY, if they knew there was no such thing as a heavenly life.

    Yes humans would still fight and kill, but I would say that ETERNAL DEATH IS A VERY STRONG MOTIVATOR To avoid conflict to begin with.

    "Religion is the opium of the people" meaning that religions offer a better alternative to our current life.

    The only problem is that the better alternative only comes AFTER WE DIE, thus paving the way for greedy, power-hungry power to convince the masses to go fight their wars.

    neat blue dog

    Don't be absurd. Humans would always be disposed to conflict. If you think otherwise, you're as naive as John Lennon.

    Did you read the post? Or do you have difficulty reading?

    I said, quote; "Yes we would still have fights, famine, murder and more, but ….."

    My post was not about “Humans always disposed to conflict”

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog

    Even the irreligious manage to channel their worship into organized fervor and oppression of others based on the conniving of a few and the faith of their masses. This is happening right now with things such as race relations and climate change.

  • Disillusioned JW
    Disillusioned JW

    If the world were to become without religion (the kind which claims someone and/or someone supernatural exists), without it being caused by coercion, and as long there were effective checks and balances preventing the existence of totalitarian states/governments, then the world would be a better place. Today some oppressive highly controlling secular ideologies exist which are like religions and which some call secular religions. One is communism, at least in the form practiced in North Korea, in the form that existed in the former U.S.S.R., and perhaps in the form which exists in the People's Republic of China (excluding Taiwan). Those kinds of secular 'religions' would also need to cease to exist if the world were to become entirely without religion and become a better place as a result.

    But there are other ideologies (and/or philosophies or worldviews) which are sometimes called religions which are not dangerous and not controlling, which provide a net benefit to human society. One of those is Secular Humanism, which is now a days sometimes simply called Humanism. But I think even Humanism may have some flaws (at least, some of its ideas are too liberally permissive for me [and some of its ideas in my mind show a lack of appreciation for certain living entities, such as human embryos and livestock, for me for me to feel fully comfortable with Humanism]). [There are however some who call themselves Humanists (or who at least identify with much of the ideas of Humanism) who are pro-life and who are for animal rights; see https://www.prolifehumanists.org/ and https://thehumanist.com/commentary/should-humanism-extend-to-animal-rights/ .]

    I think it would be beneficial if institutions continued to exist which teach and promote morals and ethics, provided they don't teach supernaturalism, and provided they encourage critical thinking instead of blindly accepting dogmas. Such institutions could provide parents with information to assist in raising their children to be good, moral, ethical, and sensible people. Such institutions could also help prevent the rising into existence of evil totalitarian governments. Such institutions could also resist current evil totalitarian governments.

  • Disillusioned JW
    Disillusioned JW

    Vanderhoven7, the world is already without Christ, for Christ does not exist and neither does anyone else supernatural. Much of the world however does have belief in Christ and thus belief in Christ exists in the world.

  • tidingsbearer

    Of course, yes!

    what 'religion" means both theoretically and practically is not compatible with what Jesus called "worship with spirit and with truth"

    only Father's worshipers "with spirit and with truth" may display the qualities that reflect Father's personality

    and that means also they would be in "unity" with Christ ... a "humankind" having the peace with God, the Owner of our souls...

  • Disillusioned JW
    Disillusioned JW

    People, come out religion, including the JW religion, and embrace philosophical/scientific naturalism and atheism. Cease engaging in all acts of worship, including of the biblical God the Father and of Jesus Christ. There is no god who can save us, none at all, for no personal God exists.

    Page 140 (in ph. 33) of the WT book called "Let Your Kingdom Come" (copyright 1981) says: "At this writing, in the United States alone there are more than 10,000,000 persons still living who were old enough to observe "a beginning of pangs of distress" in 1914-1918. Some of these may still survive quite a number of years. Yet Jesus assures us that, before "this generation" passes away, he will come as "Son of man" to execute judgment on Satan's system of things. (Matthew 24:8, 21, 37-39) We should keep awake, expectant of that 'coming of the kingdom.'--Luke 21:31-36."

    How many people from 1914 who were old enough to be aware of the World War I are still alive today in the year 2021? Are there millions of such people today who were at least 10 years in 1914? No. There are less than 10 people in world today who are at least 116 years old. [See https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/news/2020/10/the-worlds-oldest-people-and-their-secrets-to-a-long-life-632895 .]

    Should people, including JWs, really accept all of the teachings of the WT's JW religion and of its Governing Body? No.

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut
    Would the world be a better place without religion?

    Perhaps the question should be "Would the world be a better place without religious fanatics?" Individuals who are too over the top about anything, create problems for everyone around them. Those who are able to quietly follow some sort of structure in their lives without forcing it on others or punishing them for not believing as they do, seem to do very well compared to those who are left to their own devices.

  • Disillusioned JW
    Disillusioned JW

    Page 169 - 170 (in ph. 2) of the WT's book United In Worship of the Only True God (copyright 1983) says: "In the year 1914 C.E. an even more marvelous event of universal importance took place. God's Kingdom in the hands of Jesus Christ actually was established in heaven. Next, Satan and his demons were hurled down to the earth. (Rev. 12:1-5, 7-12) The last days of the present wicked system had begun. Before the generation that witnessed the events of 1914 dies off, God will crush the entire Satanic system of things. (Matt. 24:34)"

    The Governing Body of the WT religion is not being directed by an all knowing honest God. If it was, it wouldn't have made the false claim stated above. Wake up JW people! The god you worship does not exist (except as a false idea). He is only a figment of human imaginations. The one claimed to be his son, Jesus Christ, is not real either.

    If you want guidance and structure in life then study helpful secular literature instead of putting your full trust in the literature available from organized religions. The best self help advice found in religious books often is based upon secular sources anyway.

  • Rocketman123

    Religion for centuries has been an accepted and established socialized direction for many civilized populations but mankind has become wiser and more knowledgeable about are selves such as human rights that religion has become actually harmful and impractical in are modern era, which is far from the knowledge of what humanity had in ancient times when most religions and their doctrines were actively established.

    Humanity should respectively turn the page and go forward for the betterment of itself.

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