Reaching the most distant parts - Geoffrey Jackson praising Bible translators and missionaries as "faithful ones" or even "anointed ones"

by TheWonderofYou 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TheWonderofYou

    After we heard some time ago that before the time of Russel there was no "faitful slave" or no anointed ones who formed a faitful slave class, now we learn that we dont know if before Russel there were not "faitful ones" or "anointed". Indeed Jackson says that we know the bible teaches that THROUGHOUT THE HISTORY there would be a large number of "sons of the kingdom" ..or anointed ones.

    Beginning from this month in several projects including a film about christian bible translators who gave an example of "faithfulness" and "discretness" in translating the bible, the christian BIBLETRANSLATORS AND MISSIONIONARIES who used "jehovah" by the way are receiving ultimate praise of the Governing Body, in the first place at the moment is shown the video about TYNDALE, wo so is very much supposedly a "faithful one" and perhaps even "anointed" because he loved the bible.

    Jackson says that those early missionaries of the christendom already "preached the message" before Russell

    January Broadcast

    Morning Worship G.Jackson

    Coming Video about Bibletranslators who reached out

  • TheWonderofYou

    You could say that JW are "usurp" all faithful bible translators for their purpose - mainly because they translated the bible in the language of the people against against the resistance of the churches - and present them as their forerunners...

  • redpilltwice

    Haven't watched it but with now even more anointed before Russell, wouldn't the 144,000 already have been sealed before the days of the modern day org? I know the whole thing is already a mess with the rising number of partakers, but hypothetically speaking...

  • Gorbatchov

    They did discontinue this 1 year ago. Now they love this idea again?

  • WTWizard

    Here's the challenge if they wish to reach the most distant parts. Try going to the Belt of Orion and see how far your lousy message will get there. Chances are good you won't even make it there alive, since the Demons are not going to tolerate such blatant lies and psychic attempts to enslave the whole human race. And, unlike going to Israel where you might live to tell about it (even though the rabbis will happily use the items to cast black magic against the whole human race), you are probably going to pay for this trip with your life. And then you will never again spread this rubbish to another innocent person.

  • pale.emperor

    But of course Tyndale believed in the cross, hellfire and the trinity so he'd be disfellowshipped.

  • megaboy

    Lol translations are not inspired.

  • TheWonderofYou

    Indeed the TYNDALE Bible is presented in the video with emotional background music as "THE WITNESS turned into paper" that Jehovah overviews his bible and doesnt allow that someone does not translate it.

    Tyndales Bible is portrayed as the "THE Papery witness" for jehovahs effort to spread the message.

    Source: JW broadcast January 2017

  • TheWonderofYou

    Tyndale introducted with his translation also some new terms into the english language:

    Jehovah, Passover, scapegoat , atonement (at+one+ment), the powers that be, my brothers keeper, the salt of the earth and " a law unto themselves".

    Until then these words were unknown in english.


    Controversy over new words and phrases[edit]

    The hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church did not approve of some of the words and phrases introduced by Tyndale, such as "overseer", where it would have been understood as "bishop", "elder" for "priest", and "love" rather than "charity". Tyndale, citing Erasmus, contended that the Greek New Testament did not support the traditional Roman Catholic readings. More controversially, Tyndale translated the Greek "ekklesia", (literally "called out ones"[46]) as "congregation" rather than "church"

    Contention from Roman Catholics came not only from real or perceived errors in translation but also a fear of the erosion of their social power if Christians could read the Bible in their own language. "The Pope's dogma is bloody", Tyndale wrote in The Obedience of a Christian Man.[48] Thomas More (since 1935 in the Roman Catholic Church, Saint Thomas More) commented that searching for errors in the Tyndale Bible was similar to searching for water in the sea, and charged Tyndale's translation of The Obedience of a Christian Man with having about a thousand falsely translated errors. Bishop Tunstall of London declared that there were upwards of 2,000 errors in Tyndale's Bible, having already in 1523 denied Tyndale the permission required under the Constitutions of Oxford (1409), which were still in force, to translate the Bible into English.

    In response to allegations of inaccuracies in his translation in the New Testament, Tyndale in the Prologue to his 1525 translation wrote that he never intentionally altered or misrepresented any of the Bible, but that he had sought to "interpret the sense of the scripture and the meaning of the spirit."[47]


    An interesting notion: Tyndales had the impression that English was seen by the church as a "rude" language and not worthy for a translation of the bible at all (found that in: Advocacy of an English-language Bible

    "Tyndale asks if (Saint) Jerome could translate scripture into his own language, why not the English people? Tyndale says the church authorities feel that English is “rude” (19), i.e., undeveloped."


    Tynedale.... the Original Apostate...

    Criticisms of the Church (from The Obedience of a Christian Man)

    “Make themselves holier than the lay people and take so great lands and goods” (112). In his third argument, Tyndale lists the abuses of the common people by the church. Tyndale accuses the church of being more concerned with performing ceremonies than living by the laws set by Christ in scripture. In terms of sacraments, like other Protestant reformers, Tyndale believes that baptism and the Eucharist are the only true sacraments, as both were performed by Christ in the New Testament (227). Tyndale feels that the church should preach rather than perform superstitious ceremonies, like confession: “Moreover if any man have sinned yet if he repent and believe the promise, we are sure by God’s word that he is loosed and forgiven in Christ” (124). In other words, acknowledge your sins to God. Priests should only preach and provide counseling, as they are not a mediator between the people and God. The clergy are only representatives of Christ, not Christ Himself. Tyndale, like Luther, believes that every Christian has a direct relationship with God; that a Christian’s own salvation is within him. Only prayer can bring true faith. “Paul in every epistle warneth us that we put no trust in works, and to beware of persuasions or arguments of man’s wisdom, of superstitiousness, of ceremonies of popeholiness and of all manner disguising. And exhorteth us to cleave fast onto the naked and pure word of God” (131). Tyndale also condemns the church for creating and enforcing ecclesiastical law rather than teaching God’s law, as it is written in scripture. As a result of ecclesiastical law, the church separates itself from the people it is supposed to serve. According to Tyndale, the New Testament, not church doctrine, contains all the laws by which a good Christian should abide. “[O]ne king, one law, is God’s ordinance in every realm” (96). Tyndale states that, ironically, the church forbids that which Jesus promoted and promotes that which Jesus forbade. Unfortunately, Tyndale does not provide any specific examples to support this claim (however obvious it may appear), and this lack of evidence weakens the potential strength of his argument, even if we consider the historical context in which this argument was originally made. “They preach it were better for thee to eat flesh on Good Friday than to hate thy neighbor: but let any man eat flesh but on a Sunday or break any other tradition of theirs, and he shall be bound and not loosed, till he have paid the utmost farthing, other with shame most vile or death most cruel, but hate thy neighbor as much as thou wilt and thou shalt have no rebuke of them, yea rob him, murder him, and then come to them and welcome” (99). Tyndale denies the authority and infallibility of the Pope (and, indirectly, attacks the church hierarchy, too): according to Tyndale’s interpretation of scripture, the foundation of the church is the apostle Peter’s faith, not himself. Peter’s successor has no authority other than to preach the gospel: “Our hypocrites boast themselves of the authority of Peter and of Paul and the other Apostles, clean contrary unto the deeds and doctrine of Peter, Paul and of all the other Apostles” (104). As Christians, Tyndale says, all are equal in the eyes of God, including the clergy. The clergy may have a special calling as preachers, but they are not superior to any other Christian: “So it was in the manner to call Peter chief of the Apostles for his singular activity and boldness, and not that he should be lord over his brethren contrary to his own doctrine” (76).

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