High School Days

by Dimples 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dimples

    High school is supposed to be one of the most memorable years of your life. I had fun in my high school days, as I didn't become a jw until after I was married and had a child. Those of you who were born into the borg, your high school days must have been boring. They frown on basically everything from prom, school dances, pep rallies, football games, participating in sports, clubs, etc. Did any of you sneak and attend some of these things or were you a good little dub and went by all the rules? If you went by all the rules what did you do to have fun with the other teens? My daughter who is 17 is enjoying her high school years. We woke up and smelled the coffee when she was 13. I am glad she is able to do things that she wouldn't have been able to do if we stayed in. What do you regret not doing?

    My 20th class reunion is in June 2004. My calendar is marked. Had I been a jw, I would have passed on it.


  • Mulan

    I was in high school in the 60's and things were much more liberal then. I went to dances, all the games that weren't on meeting nights. Boys I knew in the congregation were on sports teams at school, some were cheerleaders and class officers. I even dated.....................whooooohoooo.

    As I said, things were really different back then.

  • shamus

    I was not a witness when going to school, but my severe depression and anxiety attacks made it impossible for me to socialize normally. I would be the last one at school, first one to leave.

    Then I found pot helped me with the problem... a bit. I was still a misfit.

    That is one thing in my life I do not blame on the dubs whatsoverererer! I still think back and know that I missed out on things...

    Things are so much better now. Not 100 percent, but so much better! To any persons who are depressed, get help now. Your life is being missed while you are in your gloom. You don't have to feel this way.


  • Soledad

    hiya dimples Im so glad to hear that you "woke up and smelled the coffee"

    high school was very boring for me, however, I occasionally rebelled and did what I wanted to do anyway. I joined the softball team in my freshman year and did pretty well ( 5 home runs in 12 games) but then I became sick and had to take off mid season. after that I didn't participate that much in team sports but I would often do some individual sports after school (running, archery) whenever I could.

    my mother wouldn't outright prohibit me from doing those things, but she did make it clear that I was still expected to attend all the meeting, bookstudy and field service. once I got out of high school, my attendance was very infrequent, I went and purposely got a night job, so the only meetings I attended were on Sundays, the assemblies and the memorial. I guess you could say that my slow slow fade was retroactive to age 14?

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith
    Did any of you sneak and attend some of these things

    You bet I went to those things. I would have loved to have participated in sports at school but that wasn't going to happen. I went to watch games and dances. I wasn't much of a believer and my parents weren't anal.

  • Dimples

    Mulan..... Cool, sounds like you had fun in high school. You lucky person you!

    (((((((((((((( shamus ))))))))))))))))


  • shamus

    No need for hugs... I am okey dokey now! That's what counts!

  • pamkw

    High school as a jw kid. Boring would have been nice. It was hell. I did go to dances, but never danced much. Everyone knew I was different. And I couldn't dress as nice (anything up to date.) I tried to go out of sports, but my mom and step-dad made it so uncomfortable I ended up quitting. My sister did play volleyball. My mom NEVER came to see her play. I went to prom because my grandma thought it was stupid not too. She probably would never have became a jw, if it hadn't been for my mom. My grandma always had questions and her own ideas. (she didn't shun me when I was df.)

    I raised my oldest son 11 years as a jw, but I wasn't as strict because I knew how it was to be different. My youngest son has got to enjoy being like other kids as much as he possibly can. He gets to do all the parties and I let him try sports. With his bi-polar condition, life would have been awful if he was a jw kid.

    I spend many years forgeting my highschool years. They were just too painful.


  • shamus


    I am so sorry to hear about your bi-polar child. Is he okay? I sure hope so... poor kid. Yes, being a strict witness would have done the poor boy in emotionally. The way that things work in the congregation with their "blessed" shunnings, if you know what I mean, (not assosiating with someone who is considered "weak", if that be b/c they watch the Simpsons, whatever other stupid thing you might do, not doing 12 hours per month in service, not pioneering during summertime, on and on and on.. it only takes one though), he would have been the loneliest boy on the planet. Not fun.

    You sound like a great mother! You should be very proud!

    I know what you mean, Pam. High-school was, for me, hell. I always look at the life I have now, and not worry too much about it. Hell, I never even graduated... it was too much for me emotionally to go to school. (I recently got my High School Diploma, though.. NOT GED, but actual diploma! With honors!)

    Maybe that's what happened with you, too. Bi-polar does run in blood lines, and you could have been suffering back then!

    Again, be proud of how you raised your son. That took courage! You did what was right in spite of the rhetoric at the Kindumb Hall. You should be very very proud of yourself!


  • jwbot

    I was never allowed to go to any school dances or to watch (let alone play) sports at school. In tenth grade, I was so fed up with the rules, my closest school friends and I worked out a plan that enabled me to sneak to the prom that year. Then, as a senior, I had a car which made it easier to sneak to my senior prom. I told my parents I was going to the mall with friends. Of course, that made it so I could not be at my prom long at all...but it was really fun. My date was a really sweet guy friend of mine, and a nice dinner he even paid for (and we were just friends!) and he even made me a rose out of the napkin, he wanted the night to be special for me because he understood my circumstances. The night ended with a little kiss and I went home feeling so good. Yeah...those worldly dances with the worldies...so evil! I am surprised I didn't get raped! *rolls eyes*

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