Warning! Sappy Thread

by xjw_b12 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • xjw_b12

    It's autumn, and this is Thanksgiving weekend in Canada.

    I'd thought I'd take a moment out to reflect on what I am thankful for, and ask, what are you thankful for?

    This is my favourite time of year. Crisp, fresh air. The spectacular, brilliant blaze of orange, yellow and red leaves. Fresh apples of all varities that literally "snap" when you bite into them. The aromatic smell of fall along the hiking trails. The geese honking overhead as they prepare to go south.

    I have always enjoyed these things, but the freedom to say so and mark it with an occasion, where we can sit down with friends and their family, and enjoy them together is an added blessing.

    Wishing you all similar pleasant thoughts and memories.

    David and Denise.

  • shamus

    I am thankful for my spiritual freedom.

  • Dimples
    I am thankful for my spiritual freedom.

    Amen! Shamus.

    I am always thankful for my family and friends ( you know the ones who love you unconditionally )

    I am also thankful for finding this web site and meeting all of you. (((((((((((((( to all of you ))))))))))))).


  • little witch
    little witch

    David and Denise,

    This is my favorite time of year also, natures fireworks! (the leaves).

    Many people take holidays for granted, but when you have never had them, they are extra special.

    Enjoy your celebrations, and thanks for sharing!

  • morty

    I grew up not having hoilday gatherings...So when Thanksgiving and Christams come around,I always go over board...I love it....I think I try to make up for the 18 years I missed...Happy Thanksgiving weekend.....(all my Canadian friends)........got to go.....have to check the 25lb bird in the oven........gobble,gobble.....


  • outnfree

    I am thankful beyond words for the kindness and unstinting generosity of the Dallas apostates who have come to my aid and relieved a great emotional burden from me while relieving a great physical burden from my favorite cousin.


  • czarofmischief

    I am grateful for my czarina.


  • xjw_b12

    Shamus. glad you found it.

    Dimples. family and friends, and then the JWD family, yes indeed.

    little witch. I never thought of the fall colours, like that. I was out today with the camera taking pictures all over town. I ran out of film.

    mortons68 Wow a 25# turkey. Calamity Jane of the always goes overboard class, say she salutes you.

    outnfree. Happy to hear things worked out. I am raising a glass of fine Ontario riesling this afternoon in salute to the saviours in Dallas.

    Czar. Sounds like your are in love. Cherish that.

  • MrMoe

    Isn't the weather awesome?!?!

  • breal

    I am thankful for good health, a happy home, and wonderful friends and family.

    Oh...and that my mother in law is making turkey dinner cuz she is an excellent cook!

    Happy Thanksgiving Weekend to all the Canadians!



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