Hello there.
Tried to bring this up with my family. Didnt go well - they cling on to the utopia that the org paints, so i am gonna put this topic to your attention. I would love to hear what you guys/girls think about this - god or no god i find this interesting. Here it is:
What laws will be used in at least the start of the 1000 year kingdom. It will take some time before the "new books" will come out, so some sort of book of law has to be used. Remember that people will still be imperfect. What do you think it will be? Or will it be the elders who have the last say in anything (like kings in the middle ages)?
Also if you want to it would be interesting to hear what you guys think about life after armegeddon. I think it would be just like now, just less people and no hope of it all ending. I doubt Jehova would say or do anything other than giving the ability to live forever - after all, he hasnt said or done anything the past 2000 years. What are your thoughts?
Even though i find it unlikely that the armageddon will happen, it would be cool to see what others have to say about this. Any perspective is appreciated.
Thank you.