LATEST WT Study Articles Are All About the WOMEN!

by Funchback 34 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • JT
    If most Bethelites and GB are married, what kind of birth control did they use?

    when i was at bethel we had a doctor named DR DIXON, when he found out you were getting married he would talk to you about birth control- and it wasa POUNDED INTO your head that if you plan on making a CAREER out of bethel YOU MUST USED A CONDOM-

    DO NOT RELY ON THE WIFE - for many sisters who don';t like bethel KNOW HOW TO GET OUT - THEY GET PREGNAT

    so if you want a long career with the Writing Dept and Service dept or Zone Overseer as your goal, THEN USE A CONDOM ALL THE TIME-

    as i write this post this mindset is often time implanted in bethelites even after they leave bethel as they now shoot for the traveling work

    my wife and i have sat here at this pc and counted 26 COUPLES WE know who are no longer at bethel and have no kids as they are shooting for the traveling work-

    as a bthelite you hear of the stories of guys wives who ASKED THEM TO LEAVE and when he didn't they MADE HIM LEAVE

    and we used to Laugh our A$$ off cause to us it meant that he didn't use a condom-

    this religion screws folks up, we learn to hate having kids, esp if it will interfear with KINGDOM INTEREST

    AND TODAY Lady "C" and I have no kids due to this goofy a$$ mindset

    how sad

  • Mysterious

    I always felt it was a little much the way the excluded women from anything extra. Even the new theocratic ministry school shows how the boys are favored. For a boy giving a talk is now as simple as reading a chapter in the bible or a few WT paragraphs. He doesn't even need to have an introduction or conclusion. But some of the girls are handed talk slips that require them to do their own research. presumably from bible based publications, without any source material given as a base. And yet the congregation still looks on the boy at the age of 10 giving a "talk" (reading) the same as teh girl at the age of 10 giving a talk (dialogue with many hours of research). It's such a double standard. They are both told to "reach out". But what is there for a girl to reach out to? She can't carry mics, she can't help with literature, she can't help with the sound department. So the boy is commended for his fine example and the girl scratches her head over what she is supposed to do.

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    And I bet that when he went to bethel he became another old white man farting in his polyester pants overserring a department of young losers who want to go back home to Mary Rotten Crotch!

  • FlyingHighNow
    Well, considering the WTS used to teach that black folks would be turned into white folks in the new system,

    In the words of the immortal Johnny Carson, "I did not know that." Interestin'. That must have been back when the conventions were segregated in the USA .

    Headship *SIGH*

    I would like to know how many sisters had to take prozac because of the happy way the Headship arrangement made them feel. I wonder how many brothers had to take prozac because of the happy way Headship did NOT make them feel.

    I wonder how many of us are divorced from JWs today because of the Happy Headship Arrangement.

    For all of you wonderful guys who have spoken on this thread against the Headship arrangement: I say profound thankyous for your views. I also can tell you that you probably score well on intelligence tests. What person with half a brain would ever dream a set up like that could make anyone happy, male of female?


  • *lost*

    bumped for research

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