Proof the GB is right about the Generation teaching.

by hardtobeme 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • hardtobeme

    This is Jesus explaining the generation teaching just as Splane did it. This is proof that the GB has Jehovah's blessings.

    There you can see peter and the other disciples paying close attention to what Jesus is saying. But they had to wait till 1914, Franz appearance and 3 kind of anointed ones. Crap to take it down with Kool-aid. The GB know it.

  • Crazyguy
    Jesus was perfect but had a speach impediment because he was unable to say 'these generations ' poor guy.
  • macys
    Jesus was gay. True story.
  • steve2

    I want it on record that Jesus invented "white boards" (for illustrating the overlapping generations) but not water boarding. I like laser pointers to highlight aspects of what you are talking about on the board but I think someone else invented that device. Be that as it may, the inventer of the white board is da man.

  • notjustyet

    Glad you are enjoying that, I made that a month or so ago.

    Maybe I should print one out frame it and hang it in the KH.

    What about a picture at Bethel where we could superimpose/photoshop this onto a wall in the GB meeting room,.. haha

  • steve2

    Notjustyet - I revise my post: You da man!

  • Watchtower-Free
  • Lieu
    You forgot, after Columbus was discovered lost by soon to be slaughtered peoples in the Americas ... and then a 1914 USA book publisher group that apparently thought Abraham wanted to trade a land flowing with milk and honey for an arid desert region of California.
  • Ding
    Russell's Divine Plan of the Ages charts were a lot more interesting...

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