Animals, Blood, Food, and JW Beliefs

by dubstepped 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Rainbow_Troll

    When I got my first job at McD's I realized how much blood is contained in just a quarter pounder, let alone a steak. If JWs are really serious about abstaining from blood, they should either do their own kosher butchering or become vegetarians.

  • TD

    The whole idea (i.e. an all vegetarian antediluvian ecology) is a repudiation of the most basic building block of creationism.

    Explanation Here

    I don't for the life of me understand how JW's can fail to grasp that fact.

  • sir82

    "Jehovah will fix it / figure it out. Just leave it in his hands. Your main job is just to get there (paradise)."

    JW standard response to every....single....question (like the ones here) that points out the absurdity of JW notions.

  • redvip2000

    it's a good point about mosquitos, and other animals that feed exclusively on blood. Why would jellohoba create them that way, to have no respect for blood?

    Now, i know that many Jdub drones claim that it was Satan that made the animals feed on each other (and why would he do this) , but how does that account for the way they were "designed"? Mosquitos are built to extract blood, were they eating grass before?

  • ThomasCovenant

    Just remember that up until the year 2370 BC ( just under four and a half thousand years ago) all animal life was, and always had been, herbivorous.

    It was only after the Flood that Big J recreated the whole damn ecosystem to allow for meat eating.

  • pale.emperor

    What always stumped me was spiders. What will they do? A spiders web is always touted as proof of creation by the WT because of it's strength and engineering mastery... but it's sole purpose is to catch live prey, wrap it up and suck out the insides of the poor creatures.

    In the end i had to just not think of it.


    So I was thinking about how whales would survive then. What would they eat?

    In the WBT$ New System..

    WHALES WILL EAT PIZZA.......................It`s In The Bible..

    Image result for whale eating pizzaImage result for bible

  • OrphanCrow

    I think Jehovah has a handle on the blood sucking animal world. He has got it all figured out.

    It is simple - the blood suckers only actually use "fractions" of the blood they suck. The rest just gets pooped out. Spilled on the ground.

  • TD

    Now, i know that many Jdub drones claim that it was Satan that made the animals feed on each other

    LOL - That would be problematic, in view of the fact that it is God who takes credit for the hunting abilities of the lion, hawk and eagle:

    "Does the eagle soar at your command and build its nest on high?
    It dwells on a cliff and stays there at night; a rocky crag is its stronghold.
    From there it looks for food; its eyes detect it from afar.
    Its young ones feast on blood, and where the slain are, there it is.”

  • redvip2000
    A spiders web is always touted as proof of creation by the WT because of it's strength and engineering mastery... but it's sole purpose is to catch live prey, wrap it up and suck out the insides of the poor creatures.

    You are clearly not giving enough credit to the Org's ability to spin things. I'm pretty sure they would not have any problem in claiming the web's real purpose it to provide raw material for Jdubs to spin fine thread to make silky shirts. The drones would nod and think that God is so great for providing them shirts this way.

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