...And The Most / Least Honest Nation Is:

by Englishman 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • Abaddon

    Simon: I noticed that a while back when I found the site... I assume that someone on the site must have a link either past or present with Dubs, as it's not like you can get the fuigures for comparatively sized religions, just a handful of which the Dubs stick put like a sore thumb.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    "Well everybody does it in America!"

    "Not here they don't."

    "Oh right. Like nobody in England ever lied before." -- Jamie Lee Curtis and John Cleese, A Fish Called Wanda

  • teejay

    This isn?t meant as a criticism of the cute little site you found there, E-man, just a couple observations.

    Point #1. The site originates in Sydney, Australia. Relevance? I mean... come on! As residents of a country with obvious ties to the UK, the authors undoubtedly have a deep-seated, pro-European bias. Solution? Strongly question (if not delete outright) the UK and (what have we here!?) AUSTRALIA?s inclusion in the upper ranks of the ?findings.?

    Point #2. For the ?findings? of this ?study? to have any measureable worth, there must first be a possibility of human interaction, commerce, etc. within a country's borders. With that in mind, I think we can safely remove Denmark, Iceland, Sweden, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Norway, and Austria from serious consideration.

    Singapore and Hong Kong?s inclusion can be doubted since there the distinct possibility that, due to the language gap, the website?s authors didn?t understand the swirling mass of corruption found in those countries .

    Then, there?s Canada. Need I say more? I think not.

    Which leaves... oh-my-goooodness! The ol? U.S. of A., without a doubt the least corrupt nation on earth.

  • xjw_b12

    Very Cool Site E-Man Thanks.

    Did anybody play with the religious stats?

  • Satanus


    it does not refer to personal honesty of citizens - its about levels of corruption:

    Definition: relates to perceptions of the degree of corruption as seen by business people, academics and risk analysts, and ranges between 0 (highly clean) and 10 (highly corrupt). Includes police corruption, business corruption, political corruption, etc

    True, but from where are these people drawn and with whom are they dealing?


  • Aztec

    Does anyone else think SS is the cutest damn Flutterby ever? I love that manly flap!


  • SanFranciscoJim
    True, but from where are these people drawn and with whom are they dealing?

    Definition: relates to perceptions of the degree of corruption as seen by business people, academics and risk analysts, and ranges between 0 (highly clean) and 10 (highly corrupt). Includes police corruption, business corruption, political corruption, etc.

    I was in a senior supervisory position in the ocean freight (export) industry for more than a decade. I can tell you from personal experience that some of the countries on the list are justafiably placed. We had to deal with illegal kickbacks, abusive fines and duties, bribes to border guards, etc. on a daily basis.

    If I were asked to do such a list based on personal experience, the top five countries on my list would be:

    (1) Bolivia

    (2) The Philippines

    (3) Nigeria

    (4) Zimbabwe

    (5) Russia

    The USA would certainly be much higher than #87 on the list -- probably in the top 20!

  • bebu

    Y'know what's odd: yesterday I tried to post a thread to link to nationmaster.com as a great info site. The post didn't take, and I gave up. Looks like Eman must have intercepted it!

    It really is a great site! The maps are fun to use, too.

    As for this particular honesty ranking... Obviously, the results were skewed because mouthy is Canadian, and so (despite SS being a Canuck) the ranking was higher.

  • Abaddon

    The main thing is in some countries bribes are seen as tips for doing your job quickly or perks of a job, as distinct from something 'wrong'.

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