Medical question re: immune system, viruses, etc.

by cruzanheart 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • cruzanheart

    Alright, all you smart people out there, help me out with this one: Jackson (our 7-year-old) has tons of allergies, eczema, and occasional asthma. In the past year or two it appears that he has become very susceptible to viruses. A year and a half ago he got what the doctor diagnosed as a sinus infection and he was put on antibiotics. While he was on the antibiotics he continued to have a low-grade fever (about 99.5 degrees Fahrenheit). The doctor said it must be a virus, and it turned into post-viral arthritis, which caused him considerable pain for about a month. I'd say since that time I've noticed that off and on he will run a fever of 99+, usually only at night, and even if he's on antibiotics. This past spring (one year after the arthritis incident) he was treated with antibiotics for something (can't remember if it was strep or another sinus infection) and, again, he had a low grade fever even while taking the antibiotics. The doctor did a blood test and said he had a virus along with whatever the other thing was.

    Now we're going through that AGAIN. After a round of antibiotics in September to treat the asthmatic bronchitis we both had, he has strep. He's on Amoxicyllin. He feels lousy and has a 99+ fever every evening but no fever in the morning.

    I'm going to try to talk to his doctor this morning and see if there's anything they can suggest, but I would also welcome your opinions on this. I think it indicates that his immune system isn't up to snuff, but I don't know how to build that up.

    We had him on allergy shots for about a year but it seemed that after each shot he'd get sick and then we couldn't give him another shot until he was feeling better, so it seemed like a waste of time and we stopped them. We'd like to start them up again but would like to clear this other thing up first.


    Nina (Worried Mother)

  • Abaddon


    Medicine isn't my strong point. It does sound like there is an immune system problem.

    Has he been checked by a specialist for WHAT he's allergic to? They normally put a little bit on the inside of the forearm and see what causes a reason.

    Also, he could have a dietry intolerance - a seperate thing from an allegry but something that can give problems.

    My girlfriend is lactose intolerant (dairy); took doctors ages to figure out what it was when she was growing up and since she known to avoid dairy her health has improved greatly.

  • worldlygirl

    Nina, my son is now 10 and he went through a period a few years ago similar to what you are describing. He is also asthmatic (as am I) and suffers from allergies. When he was 6/7, we went through a period of 6-8 months when it seemed he was just never well. As soon as he was off one antibiotic, he would start all over again with a fever, etc. The doctors seemed to finally realize that he didn't recover fully from the first virus (it was still in his system after the treatment w/antibiotics) so it would re-incubate after his medication was finished. This perpetual "sickness" did seem to lower his resistance to any and every "bug" that went around. Finally, they put him on something really strong (I think it started with a Z but I can't remember the name of the drug) and kept him on it for a longer time period than usual. He was eventually back to normal, but it took a while.

    I hope Jackson is feeling better soon. Take care.


  • cruzanheart

    Thanks, Abaddon and WorldlyGirl! I really appreciate your input.


  • Amazing

    Get opinions from different doctors. I have had to deal with various lung infections, etc. most of my life. I have taken many different types of anti-biotics. Doctors have told me that I may have developed immunity to different anti-biotics. I do not respond well to Amoxycillin, as it is a derivitive of Pinicillin. The group of Erithimycin anti-biotics seems to be my best bet. Discuss these with doctors you visit. There are some advances going on in this field, and some doctors are up to date and others are not. - Jim W.

  • MrMoe

    antiboitics are BRUTAL on the immune system, too many doctors back in the day put kids on them for infections without realzing that antibotics are wothless for viral infections, and some docotrs still have this bad habit. In doing this it drastically lowers the immnue system because it won't allow it to develop and grow properly or even work...

    I had this issue also as a child, both with allergies and a doctor putting me on WAY too many antibiotics allergies can often be a cuase. Take your child to an allergy specialist and have them tested. Allergy shots take a few years but are WELL WORTH the effort!

    Emma has never been on antibiotics, and now that she is 5 she NEVER gets sick. Her immune system and heathy diet do the job, not medications.

  • kgfreeperson

    No, advice, but LOTS of sympathy for all of you. It sounds miserable.

  • blondie

    I agree with Abaddon about this sounding like an immune issue. I am more prone to infections because of a medication I take and and immune condition I have. Antibiotics are used only to treat bacterial infections. I have not had any viral problems yet, only bacterial ones. I would be careful too about using antibiotics too much.


  • MrMoe

    Antibiotic Overuse

    April Parker

    About 40% of the time kids see a doctor, they leave with a prescription for antibiotics. This astounding figure includes sick visits and routine well-child checkups. Antibiotics are wonderful, life-saving tools, but their overuse is dangerous.

    Because antibiotics were such a revolutionary advance in the treatment of infectious diseases, doctors slipped into the habit of prescribing them for minor illnesses, even those known to be viral, just to "be on the safe side." They also thought they might help the child get better a bit faster.

    Now we know that the opposite is true. This practice is harmful to children and to the environment by selectively breeding ever-more frightening bacteria. Children may get better a bit quicker at first, but then they are likely to get sick more often, with longer, more stubborn infections caused by more resistant organisms.

    The routine use of antibiotics makes life worse for children and parents--even apart from the side effects and allergic reactions many children have. To be on the safe side, antibiotics should be withheld unless they are clearly needed.

    Nevertheless, up to 60 % of children with common colds are treated with antibiotics (Journal of Family Practice 1996; 42:357--361). Because children average three to eight colds each year, most accompanied by green or yellow runny noses, they can get many, many rounds of unnecessary (and therefore harmful) antibiotics.

    Why do we still do this? There are many reasons, but the one cited most frequently by physicians is that parents want or expect a prescription (Pediatrics 1998; 101:163--165). Admittedly, we physicians should know better. But when we see you in the office, things sometimes get muddled. Your child has a fever and is cranky. His or her nose has been running for 5 days, and the mucus is getting thick and green. His or her appetite is down, and no one is sleeping well. You've waited for this to get better on its own, but it is getting worse. And you can't afford to miss more work. We want to be able to help you and your child get through this faster. Prescribing an antibiotic this one time won't hurt--much.

    I will teach you one sentence that can greatly improve your child's health.

    Use this tool before the doctor even examines your child. When you are explaining why you came in, add the sentence, "If there is any way to safely help her feel better without antibiotics, that is what I would prefer."

    When not to use antibiotics!

    Recognizing the urgent problem of antibiotic overuse, this year the Centers for Disease Control and the Academy of Pediatrics have issued guidelines for when to use (and when not to use) antibiotics for the most common pediatric respiratory infections (Pediatrics 1998; 101:163--184). Ear infections, sinus infections, bronchitis, sore throats, and colds account for three fourths of all antibiotic prescriptions. These guidelines should not be rigidly adhered to for every child, but they do give a good general idea of when to avoid antibiotics. I will summarize the guidelines for you. I will not explain each statement, but you can use them as excellent discussion points with your physician:

    Sore Throats

    1. Strep throat is diagnosed with a Strep test, not by looking in the mouth.
    2. Antibiotics should not be given for sore throats without a positive test for Strep or another bacterial infection.
    3. One of the penicillins (not the newer, broad-spectrum antibiotics) is the best choice unless the child is allergic to it.


    1. Regardless of how long it lasts, bronchitis or a nonspecific cough illness in children rarely warrants antibiotics.
    2. Occasionally, if the cough has lasted for more than 10 days and specific bacteria are suspected, one round of antibiotics may be worthwhile. Children with underlying lung disease (not including asthma) might also benefit from antibiotics when their diseases flare up.


    1. Antibiotics should not be given for the common cold.
    2. Thick, discolored nasal discharge is a normal part of a cold and is not a reason for antibiotics unless it lasts longer than 10 to 14 days.

    Sinus Infections

    1. Most children should not be given antibiotics for a sinus infection unless there are both nasal discharge and cough without any improvement after more than 10 to 14 days. If there is some improvement by day 10, antibiotics are probably not helpful.
    2. Children with severe symptoms (facial swelling, facial pain, a fever over 103) may benefit from earlier treatment.
    3. Use the most narrow-spectrum antibiotic possible.

    Ear Infections

    1. Not all ear infections are the same. Each ear infection should be classified as acute otitis media (AOM) or otitis media with effusion (OME). Most children with ear infections have OME -- fluid in the ear without signs of an acute middle ear infection. Half of young children with colds get OME. AOM is fluid in the ear accompanied by signs such as pus behind the eardrum, eardrum pain, distinct redness of the eardrum, or discharge from the ear. Ear pulling, runny nose, fussiness, and changes in sleep pattern can accompany either AOM or OME and do not establish a diagnosis of AOM.
    2. Antibiotics are appropriate for AOM with documented fluid in the ear and clear signs of acute illness. The Ear Check Middle Ear Monitor is a good way to confirm the presence of fluid. A red eardrum without fluid is not AOM (or OME for that matter).
    3. Short courses of antibiotics (as little as 5 days of standard antibiotics) are often sufficient for AOM in healthy children beyond the second birthday.
    4. Antibiotics are not useful for the initial treatment of OME, although they may be worth a try if OME lasts for longer than 3 months. OME is important in that it reduces hearing when present, but antibiotics are not the solution.
    5. Continued fluid in the ear found at an ear recheck after AOM is to be expected and does not necessitate another round of antibiotics, except in the less common situation where signs of acute infection are still present.
    6. Preventive antibiotics should only be given after three or more separate cases of documented AOM in 6 months or four or more in 12 months.

    Children fight off most childhood illnesses better without antibiotics. The physician's job is to gently treat children with uncomfortable symptoms so they can get the rest and fluids they need. Occasionally, antibiotics are a vital part of the healing process. Equipped with this information, you are in an excellent position to remove the "pressure to prescribe" and to work with your doctor to offer your child the very best care.

  • mikelites

    Hi our son used to have continual ear infections , and was always prescribed ant-biotics , what my wife found out about was anti-biotics are a pretyy blunt instrument to deal with infections they wipe out GOOD as well as BAD bugs in your system and so your imune system is weakened by constant use of them . we were recommended to allways take natural LIVE yoghurt whenever we were on anti-biotics as this replaces the good bugs in your gut which are killed off with the anti-biotics . give it a try it can,t do any harm and can only do you good . MIKE G

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