Anti-Witnessing -does it work?

by Phantom Stranger 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    I keep reading posts from people who "need" to get their family members out of the WTS.

    Look, a few background points:

    1) I'm out and have been for 17 years.

    2) I'm happy, and would never go back, and would never recommend it to anyone.

    With all that said, why do you have to "get them out"? They're adults... probably unhappy adults, with low self-esteem, or they wouldn't stay in it... but this whole idea of "rescuing them" is a bit dramatic, and a bit unrealistic. I had family members trying to talk my mom out of it all the time! It's like fighting the Viet Cong in the jungle - even if you don't lose, you can't win.

    How many people here have succeeded in arguing a JW out? And in your opinions (those who have been successful at it, especially) when are people ready to leave? Can you make them be ready?

    Many of us were in it a long time and I suspect resisted leaving more than once before we were ready...just wondering.

  • Badger

    I would suggest doing it the way that others on this board and at work have done to people still me...

    Don't raise an objection to thier postion...just lend and ear and bolster their doubts. Let them know that you have their best interests at heart. Whatever worries them about their faith is something they can confide in you...It won't get back to their friends/family/elders.

    Or will it? I just joined two weeks ago, and just got a call for the first time in my life from an elder saying I was missed...hmm...anyone talking here?

  • jgnat

    Debate or coersion is pretty useless. If the person is that easily swayed, it would be just as easy for them to sway back in.

    On the other hand, why can't loving relatives provide an environment where the JW's feelings are valued and validated? Where loved ones can demonstrate that there is a life on the outside? By providing a warm and welcoming alternative to the WTS, those who are ready to leave can feel they have a friend and a place to go.

  • blaid

    Not really.

  • DIM

    yeah i think preaching anti JW rhetoric is pretty dumb. Doesn't that make you a JW in reverse?

  • Funchback

    I don't know about this tactic to those who are currently IN.

    However, this does wonders for those who are NOT in. I tell anyone who will listen about the cover-ups done by the WTS. I suspect that, at the very least, this will cause people to really think before they listen to a JW again.

  • starfish422

    Despite whether or not it does any good, I can understand why many feel desperate to help their family escape the Borg. I would love to get my little sister out....

  • Poztate

    I don't believe anti-witnessing in a formal way really does any good.I believe in hit and run tactics to quickly make a point and then leave it alone.

    EXAMPLE..A few weeks ago a relative who is also an elder commented on how close we were to the big "A" based on world events.I agreed with him adding that I also believed this since the generation of 1914 was really old and close to passing off the scene so it had to be soon.I said it with a straight face so he does not know if I am toying with him or if I am not aware of the "NEW LIGHT" on the subject.It did make him have to think once again about this doctrinal flip flop and if he has any brain cells that are still working it might cause him a little stress and distress.After all this was a key belief for 50? years that they did away with with ONE PARAGRAPH in 1994.You can only tear down a wall one brick at a time.

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    I understand the feeling, starfish - I have a sister in there too. But she won't leave until and unless she sees herself as powerful enough to create her own direction, and if I disrespect her decision-making ability, I suspect I'd be tearing her down more than I would be building her up.

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    Anyone who is strongly in "the Truth" will never listen to ANYTHING any one of us trys to say.

    We can only go about with our lives and accept them the way they are. ( close loved ones) The others can be "replaced" with new friends.

    The best way to deal with them ( in my experience) is to show them that we are living normal, happy, well adjusted lives, WITHOUT THEM OR THOSE BELIEFS


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