what is the meaning of life??

by zen nudist 27 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Badger

    "No why. Just here."

    I can't remember who said it. I think it was Leonard Bernstein, but I wouldn't make a bet on that.

  • lisavegas420

    DTM said:

    I see all the faces in the crowd who know nothing of my life, I know nothing of theirs, and never will. I study faces and marvel at the incredible complexity and diversity of the human family. There's so much I don't know, there's so much I haven't experienced.

    I do the same thing. I watch people, I try to figure out what is going on in their lives,maybe learn something about myself, especially when they aren't aware that I'm doing this, Like in a restrauant or in a store line, I listen in on their conversations, and how they relate to their children, spouse, and others around them. You can learn alot about people by just quietly listening and watching.

    Lisaopps, thats evesdropping isn't it

  • plmkrzy
    Re: what is the meaning of life??

    I don't know if what is the meaning of life or not but I looked it up and this is the definition given

    What: Miscellaneous Units of Measure

    Makes sense

  • joelbear

    I saw a great bumper sticker yesterday.

    What if the Hokey Pokey IS what its all about?

  • shamus

    Just watch Monty Python's Meaning Of Life to figure it out.

  • startingover

    I just read this quote by George Carlin in the paper. They asked him since one actor was running for governor and Carlin is obviously an intelligent guy, what would he do as governor?

    He said, "I wouldn't. I don't give a @#$$ about this @#$^$# country. I don't care about the world. This is all a temporary joyride. No one understands that. This is a big rock floating around a big star. It's a fire with a rock floating around it.

    People try to add all this extra meaning because they feel worthless and small. They gotta have all this meaning. They gotta have God, they gotta have creator, the creation and all this. It's so pathetic.

    And they make fun of people who worship the sun, people who worship animals, people who think animals are sacred and people who think rocks and minerals and trees are sacred. They make fun of these people. And here they have nothing to show for their own beliefs. At least the guy with a rock has got a @#&&^** rock.

    These religion people, they're not getting nothing. They got a sky and they think a man lives in it. And they think the man who lives there is judging them every minute. What a terrible thing to do to yourself."

  • plmkrzy

    . They make fun of these people. And here they have nothing to show for their own beliefs. At least the guy with a rock has got a @#&&^** rock.

    These religion people, they're not getting nothing. They got a sky and they think a man lives in it. And they think the man who lives there is judging them every minute. What a terrible thing to do to yourself."

    A moment of clarity and im not even drunk!

    God = conscience

    The guy with the rock IS dumb!

    Just kidding with ya I hope you can tell. George Carlin is a riot. I have some of his tapes and listen to him if I get stuck in freeway traffic. It curves road-rage

  • Markfromcali

    Is this question meaningful without referring to a subjective point of view? In other words, what is the meaning of life for you or whoever with a particular mindset as opposed to just the meaning of life period.

    The thing is, if we're talking about life in the big sense of everything then it necessarily includes your ideas about it, but those ideas are really just a small part of the big picture, isn't it? Meanings are ideas in someone's head, so it seems to me a question about meaning is only meaningful if you limit yourself to the mind. Therefore how can you ask what the meaning of life, which includes but is not limited to the mind, is? Does that question apply without referring to a point of view, namely "mine"? But then we would be back to the meaning of life for you eh?

    But I can see where such a question is interesting if nothing else. What about just what is life, period? Cut out that middle-man called meaning, I doubt he really knows anything.

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