Relationships......... Girls, have you ever lied to a guy........

by sandy 20 Replies latest social relationships

  • sandy

    and tell them you are a virgin when you are really not? If so Why?

    Or why do you think a girl would lie about it?

    Just trying to get some opinions/thoughts on this.

  • shotgun

    Guys usually lie the other way..unless it's with a potential mate

  • Nosferatu

    I knew a girl who lied to me. She told me she loved me, she accepted my proposal, then she fvvved off.

    As for the whole "virgin" thing, I've heard stories but I've never been lied to about it. To my knowledge, I never had intercourse with a virgin.

  • sens

    Well even if someone did lie about this...its bound to slip out one day...but nah I dont know anyone who has done this.

  • Out At 22
    Out At 22

    Nope, I've never lied that I was a virgin. I might not have wanted to disclose how many partners that I'd had. My Bf now of 2+ yrs does know how many men I've been with and it doesn't phase him.

  • Xena

    Yes to my ex husband. We were both dubs and I was afraid he wouldn't love me anymore or want to marry me if he ever found out I had been with another man. It was about 2 years into our marrage that I finally told him. And he admited that he might not have married me if he had known....fortunately we had reached a point in our marrage where I felt comfortable enough with him to confide in him and he loved me enough not to mind.

    Does that make me a bad person? Maybe...or maybe just an insecure scared one.

  • nilfun

    I think some people mistake virginity for virtue.

  • JeffT

    A Gentleman would never ask this question, and a Lady would never answer it (or the other way around). Sorry to use old-fashioned terminology but it fits. If you intend to enter an unconditional relationship what your significant other did in a previous life is, in my opinion, off limits.

  • Xandria

    I have a friend who has been intimate with two people in her life: her husband and someone she lost her virginity to while drunk at a party. Her husband doesn?t judge her for that act. But, she judges herself. She wishes more than anything that she could have shared that with her husband. Instead of what could have been a beautiful memory to be cherished between them, it is a memory she wishes she could forget.

    It used to be that there was a double standard: it was okay for men to sow their oats before marriage, but a woman had to maintain her virtue. Overtime that double standard changed, and while I think men and woman should be held to the same moral accountability, I think the double standard changed in the wrong regard. Now, indifferent sexual promiscuity seems accepted for both men and women. Instead of women losing sight of the honor of their virtue, I would have preferred that men be held accountable to that same high standard.

    I would be a hypocrite if I insinuated that I was in a position to judge anyone about anything. For that is not my place. We learn from our mistakes.. as long as it doesn't kill us. Life is a learning experience.

    People are afraid to be judge because the judgements can be harsh resulting in the loss of Life, Freedom, Family and so on.

    Women are judged in both ways. We get judged if we aren't virgin (innocent) and if we are sexual beings we get judged as being a Ho. So either way your damned. That is why girls sometimes lie about virginity.

    It is about double standards.. and even if the girl was a virgin that is her business and decision to share that information. She doesn't need the pressure either way. If you love her should it matter ?


  • nilfun

    There's nothing like a virtuous vagina to enhance a woman's marriagability.

    Maybe one day a woman's love, her mind, her kindness, her generosity, her soul will matter more than whether or not her hymen is intact.

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