Well it has been an eventful day.

by caspian 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • caspian

    I am off to a party in 10 mins.

    But before I go, I just wanted to thank you all for your kind pms and emails.

    Special thanks to Simon, Angharad and old E-Man for blocking any more information.

    Special thanks to my best friend for telling me on the phone.

    It has been a long day starting with phone calls to my hotel room at 3.30am, dozens of text messages and telephone calls, my poor PA is very upset by all of this.

    it sounds like our IT dept have managed to identify her, and we can now take some form of action.

    Again a big thanks to everyone

    Caspian...who is about to party for England....

  • Valis

    caspian..cheers mate! So sorry for all the crap. Hope things are cool for you and you have a good time out! Have a pint for me and do take care! Good thoughts from the Texas Branch.


    District Overbeer

  • Simon

    Sorry to hear that Caspian

    Did you get the PM I sent? It identifies the company where the person works. A letter to someone high up there should see them get a good kicking - companies do not normally like employees abusing their systems as it opens them up to legal liabilities.

  • Nosferatu

    So Caspian....... you going back to the meetings? j/k! Get extra pissed tonight (unless you're driving). Take care.

  • Scully

    Dear caspian

    Sorry for all the rubbish you've been put through by this person. You've been through more than enough already.

    I hope the person responsible for this suffers appropriate consequences.

    Love, Scully

  • Angharad

    Hope you can get it sorted out Caspian, sorry you are being harassed like this

    Enjoy your party !

  • shotgun

    Guess I'm not up to speed on the events Cas...is this about that poem someone sent you a while back?

    Anyway...have a good time and a great weekend.

  • tinkerbell82

    ((((cas))))) glad everything has been sorted out. have fun this weekend. :)

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Bell well caspian. Have a beer for the rest of us.

    Good catch by Simon, Anghard and the mods. Thanks for your hard work

  • xjw_b12

    That was Bizarre. Glad it's taken care of.

    For Caspian: Cheers....

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