PROTEST RALLY Oct 20th in Canada

by Dogpatch 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • herk


    If I were to explain how other religions are more harmful than JWs, I would never finish writing about it.

    Your bias is showing. You dismiss eagerly what's been presented as evidence against JWs, and you focus on the evidence against other religions. How before God and in your own heart can you consider yourself a fair person?

    Can you name even one other religion that:

    • Protects pedophiles and lies about it?
    • Misinterprets the Bible regarding religiously mixed marriages in order to split families apart, denying thousands of children a normal family life?
    • Denies children a normal life by prohibiting the celebration of birthdays and holidays?
    • Distorts the Bible as an excuse for murdering children by denying them needed blood transfusions?
    • Twists the Bible's statements on blood as an excuse for murdering more people each year than the number who died in the Jonestown massacre?
    • Threatens morally upright members with disfellowshipping if they report the crimes of organization members to the police?
    • Refuses to allow former members to visit with their children or grandchildren?
    • Habitually sets dates for Armageddon and thereby urges the membership to abandon normal living, this often resulting in the ruination of health and family life, as well as creating employment and financial hardships?
    • Neglects in many cases the care of its own sick and elderly members who no longer have the strength and energy to attend all the meetings and to be regular in working for the organization as they did for most of their lives
    • Leads people away from the true gospel by claiming Christianity means obedience to an organization?
    • Trains people to abide by its own literature more than by the Bible?
    • Falsely interprets Jesus' instructions regarding who should partake of the Lord's evening meal?
    • Creates a climate of fear by means of dictatorial authoritarianism?
    • Controls what Bible-related publications that members may read?
    • Arrogantly pretends to maintain higher standards than any other religion and proclaims publicly that all other churches are of the Devil?
    • Forbids members to attend any other churches?
    • Promotes class distinctions such as "governing body," "anointed remnant," "great crowd of other sheep," publishers, auxiliary pioneers, regular pioneers, special pioneers, circuit overseers, district overseers, Bethelites, Governing Body, etc.
    • Prohibits women from serving in any meaningful role in the congregation while expecting them to do the bulk of the work?
    • Constantly prods the membership by means of literature, meetings and conventions to do ever more and more in the service of the organization, promoting an atmosphere where many feel their best is never good enough?
    • Conducts heresy trials of members who have doubts or who think differently upon the Scriptures?
    • Holds such heresy trials and disciplinary hearings in secrecy from the rest of the congregation?
    • Withholds information that would be helpful to persons who have been accused of wrongdoing?
    • Is quick to disfellowship instead of making efforts to restore persons who have done something wrong?
    • Unnecessarily and abusively shuns members even for minor infractions such as smoking or not complying with the whimsical directives of elders, thereby causing personal and family turmoil that often results in immense guilt, shame, fear, depression, bitterness, hatred, murder and suicide?
    • Covers over and hides damaging facts about itself?
    • Blatantly lies to the public by declaring to news media that members may leave the organization at any time, of their own free will and without any repercussions from the organization?
    • Etc., etc.


  • herk

    other religions are more harmful than JWs

    "He who says to the wicked, 'You are righteous,' peoples will curse him, nations will abhor him." - Proverbs 24:24.

    "Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!" - Isaiah 5:20.

    "The eye is the lamp of the body; so then if your eye is clear, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light that is in you is darkness, how great is the darkness!" - Matthew 6:22, 23.

  • Joker10

    Heck, yes I can. But I won't be writing a book. ..... And about the murders.. name one religion and that's your answer.

  • herk
    Heck, yes I can.

    I repeat:

    "Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!" - Isaiah 5:20.

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