Hate Your Enemies!!

by JWD 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • JWD

    I was standing by the copy machine at a convience store here in Japan
    when a local elder who I`ve know for some years came up to me and
    threatened me (his breath had the distinct smell of a couple too many
    beers.Must have had a hard day out in FS).Anyway,that was just one
    incident among many.Repeated late night anonymous calls,name calling,
    etc. A man I know who`s wife has been in the `TRUTH` for 20 years was
    told by her that she was praying to Jehovah asking Him to destroy her
    husband (the husband was an opposer).Another friend of mine who was
    in the org.for 15 years disassociated. After leaving the org. her daughter told her that she would laugh when Jehovah destroyed her
    at Armageddon. One time when I tried to talk to a pioneer brother he
    not only refused to listen to me, but threw a cup of tea at me!!
    My question is, `Where does all this HATE come from?` `Isn`t the
    difference between Christians and those who aren`t, that Christians
    love their enemies? Wasn`t it Jesus who said that anyone loves their
    friends, but the real test is whether or not you love you enemies?
    Didn`t Christ greet Judas by calling him `friend` right before being
    betrayed? Didn`t Jesus wash Judas`s feet? So where is the vindication
    for hating your enemies? Are the `Vindictive Psalms` the almighty
    excuse for hating people? Were they not written pre-Christ?

    It seems part of the problem is the society`s redefining of the very
    meaning of the word `Love`.If giving people the cold shoulder brings
    them back to the `mother org.` then it must be love.

    Re-defining terms is a common practice among `new religions`.The
    most notorious group here in Japan , AUM (the group that placed the
    nerve gas on the subway) has a teaching called `POR`.It`s the idea
    that if you kill an `un-worthy` you are actually aiding them on their
    way to nirvana.Therefore;killing them is actually viewed as KINDNESS!
    Sounds strikingly similar to the teaching that refusing blood and
    dying is a sure way to make it into the paradise earth...
    So how did Hating become Loving and Killing become Giving Life? JWD

  • Francois


    I know I must sound like a broken record sometimes, but people who join a cult, and the cult itself, fit into a well-known pattern. Some of the characteristics of a cult are: an infallible leader - often one who speaks for or with God or both - who offers an extravagant hope. It is isolationist. It is authoritative. And it foments an organized hatred toward any who oppose it, developing an "us against them" kind of mentality, and on and on. There are at least a dozen characteristics of a cult.

    People who volunteer to join a cult are of a type certain as well. These always are people who feel they are living a ruined life, who have a need for a dramatic change in the circumstances of life in the near future, and who feel they can atone for their miserable, wasted, ruined life by being totally absorbed within a great movement (political, social, religious, etc.) that's bigger than their puny selves.

    Thus, the organizational raft to which they attach the sinking ship of their miserable life must for its survival not only hate all who oppose it, but at the same time must justify that hatred and blame the hated ones for their condition. Thus, it was the Jews own fault that the Nazis confiscated their property, blamed them for Germany's sad condition at the end of WWI (the Jews had betrayed Germany from within), hated them with a fanatical, unreasoning hatred, and in the end stole their lives. This hatred of some "other" is one of the glues that hold the movement together. Upon showing certain Japanese visitors to the Reich what use he had made of the Jew, Hitler said that it was fortunate for Germany to have had the Jew in its midst, otherwise, Hitler said, "we would have had to invent him."

    The black man in this country has in the past served the same purpose; as has the American Indian in a different time, and still does in some areas of the country today. No doubt the entire population of Taiwan serves this purpose in China, as does the population of Tibet. Democracies served this purpose in Russia. And whatever the organization, the social movement, the religious wave, the political party, you will find a group of virulently hated "others." Hate is a great glue. Humans do it so well, and enjoy it so much.

    So it is with "Bablyon the Great" in general to the cult of JWs, and specifically, the "apostate". We serve as one of the "glues" that help hold the JWs together. Hating us is a common activity that all Jay-Dubs can join in together in a group activity and engage in fraternal back-slapping together about how they have scored some "point" or other against the hated "Apostates." It provides a settled feeling of comradery to get together for a nice group hate.

    If you'd like to read all about cults and people who join them and why they exist and about their life-cycle and all that makes a cult, get yourself a copy of "The True Believer" by Eric Hoffer. I mention it frequently here, as you would expect, since we ARE dealing with a cult after all, and questions about WHY turn up here all the time.

    So, that's one man's opinion about why JWs engage in so much hate of "apostates." And that's a great recommendation for an organization that claims as its spiritual authority and temporal leader Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, the advocate of Love.


  • mommy

    This is the very reason I walked away from the org, years ago. Last week Farkel posted a thread about the many ways the WTBTS instilled this in the R&F. There was many quotes, that did nothing but invoke hate. I will try to find an post a link here.

    I have heard many times that the individual person is blamed for his thinking. Claiming the Wtbts does not condone this type of behavior, we all know this to be false. I have alot more to say on this, but haven't woke up yetI will check back later.

  • JWD

    At the beginning of the thread I mentioned a sister,in for 20 years,
    who told her husband she was praying that Jehovah would destroy him.
    I didn`t mention it earlier,but her husband was later diagnosed with
    cancer and died last November.About two years prior to that her oldest
    daughter chose to marry a non-JW and was dfed for living with him
    before marriage.One of her sons later took up smoking and some other
    non-theocratic hobbies and has since become inactive.With five children,that leaves three in the org.,two out.More recently,her
    dfed daughter gave birth to her first child.All of these things have
    had a mellowing affect on the sister.With her `opposer` husband gone,
    fighting for the TRUTH seems to have lost some of it`s excitment.It`s
    undoubtedly the result of what was mentioned earlier about the galvan-
    izing affect of having an enemy to hate.Without the `enemy`the fight
    isn`t so thrilling. JWD

  • outnfree

    Y'know, I kept hearing anecdotal stories from my worldly associates about Jehovah's Witnesses being behind the break-up of many marriages, because the religion encouraged its members to leave the unbelieving spouse.

    I don't know how many times I defended the org. from what I thought were misconceptions by those who viewed JWs as a cult. After all, I had had some serious marital problems in the past and it was ME who wanted to legally separate. I had no scriptural reason for divorce, and not really a scriptural one for a legal separation, either. I even told the elders I was willing to be disciplined because it seemed the only way to go [to me!]. In my case, the elders counselled me to stay and try to work it out, and I have and it's several years later and things are better than ever!

    However, the more I read posts here like JWD's, the more I realize that many Witnesses must be pushing their spouses away in hopes of trying to qualify for a scriptural divorce. How very hurtful it would be to hear that the one who is supposed to be your closest companion in life is actually PRAYING for your destruction!!! It's absolutely wicked! Nobody would be attracted to a spouse's religion if that were the "fruitage"!

    I do remember my daughter (when very little -- maybe 4) asking her Daddy if he was on Satan's side and even I was aghast! HE was livid!
    Somehow, looking back, that should've been a wake up call, but it wasn't....

    I'm sorry that you've been being beat up emotionally lately, JWD. You are, of course, correct that Jesus said to love one's enemies.
    So many here have such heartbreaking stories about how the ones who were supposed to love us "better than a brother" hurt them badly even while they were MEMBERS of the Kult, that perhaps it should not come as a surprise that JWs would treat those that left so spitefully.

    I am always impressed how the members of this Board show themselves to be better than that. Oh, yes, we all have our moments of ranting and raving, but we also wouldn't want to put another human being through the agonies of shunning and distress from cognitive dissonance that we have experienced. Which, I think, is why we all behave better than the narrow-minded, petty meaness that you describe in your post.

    Hang in there, JWD! And bring your troubles to our collective doorstep any time you want to vent.


  • JWD

    Thank-you for your encouraging words.It was interesting what you said
    about trying to push the spouse away hoping to find some scriptural
    grounds for divorce.I beleive that is often the case.The sister I
    mentioned had been hurt in many ways by her opposing husband.In some
    ways,I suppose she did try to work through it,but it seemed to strike
    him as wall building.I believe it is to the orgs. advantage for marriages to un-believers to break up.It creates a stronger sense of
    loyalty in the Witness who remains faithful to Jehovah and is has
    a burning the bridges effect emotionally.Some time ago a sister who
    chose the org. over her husband and got divorced as a result called
    with serious questions about the org.,but when it came right down to
    it ,it was impossible for her to go back,so she stopped asking questions.The thought of all those years being wasted was too overwhelming. JWD

  • ozziepost

    G'day JWD,

    It didn't take too many years for the Joe Ratherflawed view of the world to take root in Japan, did it?

    His vitriol in the 1920s and 1930s has established a culture within the organisation he founded. (I believe he was the founder of Jehovah's Witnesses, as opposed to C T Russell the founder of the Bible Students. But that's another story.)

    The truth us, that the R&F are taught to hate. They are led to believe that 'righteous' hatred shows loyalty to Jehovah. This may be expressed in many ways, as you have experienced. But it really is emphasised in the disfellowshipping/disassociation procedure.

    Just look at this sample selection of instructions from past issues of the Watchtower magazine.

    Godly hate is a powerful protection against wrongdoing, even as godly love makes the doing of what is right a pleasure. (1 John 5:3) Repeatedly the Scriptures urge us to cultivate both love and hate. “O you lovers of Jehovah, hate what is bad.” (Psalm 97:10) “Abhor what is wicked, cling to what is good.” (Romans 12:9) Are we doing that?

    Jehovah has clearly stated his purpose to root the wicked ones out of the earth and to usher in a new earth in which righteousness is to dwell. (Psalm 37:10, 11; 2 Peter 3:13) Lovers of righteousness long for that time to come. They are in full agreement with the psalmist David, who prayed: “O that you, O God, would slay the wicked one! Then even the bloodguilty men will certainly depart from me, who say things about you according to their idea; they have taken up your name in a worthless way—your adversaries.” (Psalm 139:19, 20).....They had misrepresented God, taking up his name in a worthless way. (Exodus 20:7) Dishonestly, they professed to serve him, but they were using his name to promote their own schemes. David had no love for those who chose to be God’s adversaries.

    There are billions of people who do not know Jehovah. Many of them in ignorance practice things that God’s Word shows to be wicked. If they persist in this course, they will be among those who perish during the great tribulation. Yet, Jehovah takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked, nor should we. (Ezekiel 33:11) As long as time permits, we endeavor to help such people to learn and apply Jehovah’s ways. But what if some people show intense hatred for Jehovah?

    Regarding them, the psalmist said: “Do I not hate those who are intensely hating you, O Jehovah, and do I not feel a loathing for those revolting against you? With a complete hatred I do hate them. They have become to me real enemies.” (Psalm 139:21, 22) It was because they intensely hated Jehovah that David looked on them with abhorrence. Apostates are included among those who show their hatred of Jehovah by revolting against him. Apostasy is, in reality, a rebellion against Jehovah. Some apostates profess to know and serve God, but they reject teachings or requirements set out in his Word. Others claim to believe the Bible, but they reject Jehovah’s organization and actively try to hinder its work. When they deliberately choose such badness after knowing what is right, when the bad becomes so ingrained that it is an inseparable part of their makeup, then a Christian must hate (in the Biblical sense of the word) those who have inseparably attached themselves to the badness. True Christians share Jehovah’s feelings toward such apostates; they are not curious about apostate ideas. On the contrary, they “feel a loathing” toward those who have made themselves God’s enemies, but they leave it to Jehovah to execute vengeance.—Job 13:16; Romans 12:19; 2 John 9, 10.(w93 10/1 19 "Search Through Me, O God")

    Because the wicked were guilty of bloodshed and of bringing reproach on God’s name, David declared: “Do I not hate those who are intensely hating you, O Jehovah, and do I not feel a loathing for those revolting against you? With a complete hatred I do hate them. They have become to me real enemies.” (Psalm 139:21, 22) David felt a loathing for these men because they intensely hated Jehovah and were revolting against Him. They were the psalmist’s foes because he abhorred their wickedness, godlessness, and rebellion against the Most High.(w90 1/15 24 Jehovah Knows Us Well!)

    You have seen the benefit of godly love, but do you know how to hate? The Bible psalmist did, and said: “O you lovers of Jehovah, hate what is bad.” Also, he said: “Do I not hate those who are intensely hating you, O Jehovah, and do I not feel a loathing for those revolting against you? With a complete hatred I do hate them. They have become to me real enemies.” (Ps. 97:10; 139:21, 22) These very strong words are an expression of godly hate, and you too must have this quality to be pleasing to God.

    Hate causes a feeling of disgust to well up inside you. You loathe, abhor, despise the object of your hatred. The very thought of it makes you recoil. When the wife of his master tempted, begged and even grabbed hold of Joseph for immoral purposes, he did not have to stop and try to reason out what he should do. A moment of hesitation could have meant ruining his relationship with Jehovah. He simply ran. His hatred of what was bad triggered an automatic reaction and protected his good conscience with God. (Gen. 39:7-12) Likewise today, as hatred separates people, godly hate will separate you from wrongdoing.

    Why not ask yourself how you personally feel about the things that are detestable to Jehovah? “There are six things that Jehovah does hate; yes, seven are things detestable to his soul: lofty eyes, a false tongue, and hands that are shedding innocent blood, a heart fabricating hurtful schemes, feet that are in a hurry to run to badness, a false witness that launches forth lies, and anyone sending forth contentions among brothers.” (Prov. 6:16-19) Your reaction to these things is a measure of your godly hate.

    Godly hatred never has as its object our Christian brothers, no matter how imperfect. The apostle John said: “Everyone who hates his brother is a manslayer, and you know that no manslayer has everlasting life remaining in him.” (1 John 3:15) Even though they have been involved in serious wrongdoing, we show compassion and mercy to our Christian brothers. If repentant wrongdoers are allowed to remain in the congregation by God, then we should also accept them.—Matt. 18:18.

    Godly hatred is intolerant of what is evil. This does not mean that Christians use physical force to strike out against false religion or corrupt governments, for they realize that this is something God has reserved for himself. A Christian’s hatred of such things is demonstrated by his zeal to tell others what God’s Word says about the time when God’s kingdom will be the only government ruling this earth. Godly hatred is further characterized by a feeling of contempt toward such things as lying, stealing, immorality. A Christian’s conversation, way of life and choice of entertainment leave no question as to his stand on these matters.—Eph. 5:3-5.(w74 7/15 442-3 The Godly Qualities of Love and Hate)

    Another way in which we imperfect and weak mortals can imitate God is by hating what he hates. Does God also hate? Yes, he hates wickedness and willfully wicked ones, including religious hypocrites. Did not Jesus imitate his Father in this respect and did he not hate religious hypocrites? He most certainly did, repeatedly saying: “Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!”—Matt. 23:13-33; John 5:19.
    That Jehovah God himself does indeed hate wickedness and practicers of what is wicked is seen from Proverbs 6:16-19: “There are six things that Jehovah does hate; yes, seven are things detestable to his soul: lofty eyes, a false tongue, and hands that are shedding innocent blood, a heart fabricating hurtful schemes, feet that are in a hurry to run to badness, a false witness . . . and anyone sending forth contentions among brothers.”

    If we hate these things, what will we be doing? We will, on the one hand, be careful not to practice any such things ourselves, and, on the other hand, we will avoid having as companions those who practice such wicked things. “For what fellowship do righteousness and lawlessness have?” Truly, we can imitate God by being loyal to his righteous principles and so ‘be holy as he is holy.’—2 Cor. 6:14; 1 Pet. 1:16.(w73 2/15 100 "Become Imitators of God")

    I have shown some key phrases in bold type. Notice how the writers of the above quoted articles influence the readers, the R&F, to accept that displaying hatred is a godly quality.

    Joe Ratherflawed's legacy is safe in the hands of the present-day leadership.


    Freedom is not having to wear a tie.

  • Seeker

    That's the thing, with the Bible supplying contradictory instructions on how to view God's enemies, JWs can take whichever part suits them at the time. "Love your enemies," says Jesus, and they take that to mean they should go door-to-door even to those who show hostility, or to mean that in a concentration camp setting they shouldn't seek revenge against the guards. "Hate those who hate you," says David, and they take that to mean they should spit at apostates.

    The fact that "those who hate" God = God's "enemies" is a fact that seems to have escaped their notice. So they draw a distinction between apostates and all other enemies of God. Such a distinction comes not from the Bible, but from the Watchtower.

  • outnfree


    I was doomed to become an apostate, I can see clearly from your quoted WT sources.

    I never learned to correctly hate. I was ALWAYS curious about what apostates had to say. And now I find myself among those who

    reject Jehovah's organization and try to hinder its work.

    (who never prayed for her unbelieving mate to die -- obviously, missing the mark of spiritual maturity!)

  • JWD

    As to the issue of David`s Psalms vs. Christ`s teaching,obviously,
    Christ lifted the whole matter of what godly living means to a higher
    level. Christ internalized godliness by talking about the intentions
    of the heart, not merely the actions.Thus, hatred became equal to
    murder in the same way that lust was viewed as adultry.So, to negate
    or supercede Christ`s teaching with something from the OT is poor
    exigesis. When talking with Raymond Franz on the phone one time,he
    mentioned that he often felt the WT acted as if the NT had never been
    written. So much of their teaching was a step `back` to the OT era.

    The whole `tone` of the WT teaching is one of destruction.The world
    gets the shaft at the big `A`,relationships get torn apart by the
    issue of loyalty to the WT, lives get thrown away needlessly via
    the No-Blood policy,etc. Even `caring` is often tied in with the
    motivation of being nice to someone in order to get a study going.

    So,does genuine `lovingkindness` just for the sake of showing
    Christlikeness actually even exist with the WT walls? JWD

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