the elders left but tinkerbell stayed

by the mole 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cyberguy

    I?m so sad to hear this "the mole!" When elders "come-a-calling," it?s usually because they fear their authority and/or that of their masters ("MA-MA") is at risk! This is usually the only reason they would stop by. Please be assured you are not alone in your predicament. Ten?s-of-thousands (perhaps millions) have faced and are facing a similar retribution.

    Child molestation is the JW-organization is nothing new. However, the problem is that the perpetrator rarely gets punished (unless someone is brave-enough to call 911)! Was the abused child a relative of yours? Regardless, once anyone has been exposed (especially if they are in a position of authority), it is difficult to look at the Watchtower-Organization with favorable-regard.

    I hope you have some close family members, perhaps a spouse (you?re "honey"), which can help you through this difficult period. For your own sanity, I wouldn?t meet with any of your so-called "shepherds!" "Wolves-in-sheep?s clothing" is what they are. They are NOT your friends!

    If this pedophile appears to be a continuing threat, here?s my recommendation: CALL 911! Let the police deal with it. Give them your statement! I hope you live in a state that requires religious officials to report! If so, let the authorities know that your local "clergy" have not informed the authorities about the situation (and refuse to do so) and you want to protect children in your "church" and elsewhere, against a potential threat!

    Hope all works out with you my friend! My prayers are with you! Take-care!


  • primitivegenius

    roast the bestards

  • Elsewhere

    Next time you talk to them, make sure you record the conversations... then when you take this to the police you will be able to show that the elders were actively trying to cover up the crime.

  • the mole
    the mole

    i wanted to thank tinkerbell82 for trusting me when she didnt have too and to publicly say i feel for her my own kingdom hall in fruitridge congregation in sacramento i will not be put down or advised to shut up when i see error in my hall and things being taught to those who believe they are doing wrong when in fact they are in error and harming the innocent and weak...***the mole***

  • Pleasuredome

    keep up the good fight mole!!!

  • tinkerbell82

    (((mole))) thanks for that. i'll e-mail you later, k?

  • arrowstar


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