I need help finding a tread

by archangel01 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • archangel01

    someone had the wtc cd and found a coverup of the generation of 1914 with by no means pass away

    the orig. mag. said one thing but when they put it on there cd they changed it. The person had two photos of the same article one from the cd the other was from the orig mag. Does anyone have the tread. Please help me I think it was like 3 months ago.

  • archangel01

    I really need that tread asap anyone please HELP.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    I think if you'll click on "search" at the top of this site's page, you can enter the topic name and it will draw up every thread pertaining to that subject for the past month or 6 months....

    Frannie B

  • xjw_b12

    My contribution..........

  • anglise
  • jgnat

    I think you are asking about this issue, on Quote's site:


    An actual print of the article in question:


    From Quotes' site:

    *** Watchtower 1989 January 1 p.12 "The Hand of Jehovah Was With Them" ***

    [Note: not available on 1993/1995/1999 CD-ROM]

    [As originally published in Watchtower magazine]

    The apostle Paul was spearheading the Christian missionary activity. He was also laying a foundation for a work that would be completed in our 20th century.

    [Emphasis Added]

    *** Watchtower 1989 January 1 p.12 "The Hand of Jehovah Was With Them" ***

    [As it appears on Watchtower bound volumes & CD-ROMs]

    The apostle Paul was spearheading the Christian missionary activity. He was also laying a foundation for a work that would be completed in our day.

    [Emphasis Added]

    Some other interesting links:



  • archangel01


    That's it your alife saver Amen Bro

    here have a slice of on me LOL

    Thanks dude!

  • onacruse

    jgnat (of the "intrepid researcher" class)

    I tried a quick search this a.m. before running off to work, and couldn't find the links.

    But I well remember that WT article...those words jumped out at me! And then, when I checked the WT bv, only to see it had been changed, and yet still another 10 years more I wasted in that deceptive cult.


  • Prisca

    I was at a Friday night CO's meeting a year after the original WT was published, when in his last talk for the night he brought up the fact that there had been a change in the wording for that sentence. We were told to bring along our WTs for that night, and we duly changed our WTs to the "correct wording".

    Fortunately, I kept that WT so I have the original wording in the original WT, as well as the date when the CO told us to change our WTs.

  • archangel01

    I have The prove I found it

    the orig.


    Bound volume


    Save them as a picture and then print from there. I'm going to expose this one ALL OVER Chicago! I think I should make about hundred copies of each you think

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