Can the World Cup Really Unite People? - What Does the Bible Say?

by Festus 6 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Festus

    Seriously....this is an article on JW.borg.

    Really? Football - or soccer - and BIBLE?

    These guys have really lost the plot.

    I can promise you that Bible does not say a flying flaming about World Cup.

    However, as much as people want them to, these events cannot provide lasting unity. Instead, they often showcase the divisive attitudes and actions that the Bible said would mark the time period called “the last days.

    What about jdubs? How divisive are they?

    And last days! I can't believe they baked last days into this!

    Can the World Cup Really Unite People?—What Does the Bible Say? (

  • punkofnice

    Click bait?

    I didn't watch any of the World Cup, Footie bores me.

    Like TOMO the turd and his nonces know anything about sport, unless it's a drinking match.

  • Rivergang

    “What does the Bible say?”

    Don’t mean to be rude, but really, who gives a £#ck!

  • Diogenesister

    That's absolutely bonkers!! To say supporting your team, local or national, "showcases divisive attitudes" that marks the time of the end is daft!!

    What about when Witnesses play a game of footie, or rounders, baseball, softball, beach volleyball or even board or card games that have opposing teams?? What - do they want their opposing team to win?! Of course not! It's part of the fun!

    Of all the problems the world has that they could talk about, football isn't one (unless you support England😭).

  • menrov

    They (WT) only 'unite' in their organisation, everyone not in, is out and should be avoided, no social contact, no charity support.... from that perspective, I believe football or any other major sports, will unite more than when you become a JW, because the first thing you need to do is to avoid non-JW friendships and shun opposers.

  • BluesBrother

    That made me laugh.. My wife complains about the blanket coverage of the World Cup. We turn to JW.Org and , Eek! It is even here...!

  • Longlivetherenegades

    And you see them parroting nonsense about this article to undermine what others do to Unite people

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