
by Vivamus 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Vivamus

    I try to avoid them, situations where I end up hurting/disapointing/pissing off, one person, in favor of pleasing another. None the less, it happens to me on occasion.

    "Do what you feel in your heart to be right - for you'll be criticized anyway. You'll be damned if you do, and damned if you don't."
    Eleanor Roosevelt (1884 - 1962)

    I feel like that. I did what was *right* tho. And helped out one friend, and in order to do that, I let down another. I hate this. I wanted to simply organize a nice weekend with my friends, one thing let to another, plans where made, expectations were raised.

    And then I got a phonecall from my mum, who "needs" me just that weekend. And I was put on the spot, to either let my mum down, or my friends. After talking, thinking, raving and being pissed at everything and everyone, I choose to help out my mum, who put me in an awkward, and unfair position.

    And then one of my friends got annoyed with me for this, and another tried to help me out... and before I knew it, tensions within the group were brought to light, paradise was lost.

    Do you know the feeling that your life is not your own? Within a day, I have been accused of too many things. Actions I have done in the past, have been dragged up, and thrown in my face, unrightly so, I think. I have been accused of never thinking of others feelings, and others thoughts, when I acted on and just lived my own life.

    So I sit here, not happy with any of this. "Damned if I do, and damned if I don't." One stone in the water, can lead to a huge disruption in the pond. I have managed to bring to light tensions between my dearest friends, and create a huge tension between me and my mum, all in one day, and all I simply wanted to do, was bring me and my friends together and have fun.


    A Sad Blue Bubblegum Girl

  • maybesbabies

    awwwww!!! ((((((Vivamus))))) I know what you mean!! Remember that song " Well, you can't please everyone, so, ya gotta please yourself". it sucks being monkey in the middle, but I hope your friends will understand that sometimes family comes first, and since we're not dead yet, there are always opportunities to get together in the future!!!

  • Xandria

    Viv babe, I could not have put it any better than my sister~ Maybe's has. All one can do is their best. Your friends have to realize that there is only one of Viv and it is going to have to be enough to go around.

    So Blue Bubblegum Girl.. don't fret too much.


  • Thunder Rider
    Thunder Rider


    Real friends don't put friends in situations like that. What you chose to do for one is no business of the other. Do what makes you feel good.Never feel bad for doing good deeds. I love to do things for all my friends. I like knowing they can count on me to be there for them, and the support I have recieved over these past few months prove to me that I can count on them. Its a good feeling.

    Viv, Anthony showed me the card you sent him in bootcamp! Damn girl! My birthday is in December!!!


  • Vivamus

    Well, a nights sleep made me more comfortable with the situation (or rather: my actions in it).

    Maybe, lol @ since we are not dead yet. That is so true

    Xandria, I'll stop fretting.

    And Thunder, lmao, just PM with your postal info, and I'll get you a card too


    Blue Bubblegum Girl

  • cynicus

    Your mum is definitely worth it! And never apologise: your enemies won't believe you, your (real) friends don't need it.


  • LittleToe


    Situations like that suck, but any friend (who's worth their salt) will understand that family must come first!
    Good for you, for taking the morally correct choice.

    If only the dubs would see that, instead of allowing religion to cause rifts...

    (sorry, I couldn't resist the dig at the WTS)

  • Vivamus

    Cynicus, that is so true, I was thinking about that one just now. BTW, I got something for ya

    LT, nice jab at the WTS, lol, true, very true.


    Blue Bubblegum Girl


    Viv! Your Mom even sent me an e-mail one time: how sweet!

    I would adopt her as my Dutch overseas Mum....gladly, and well considering my relatives having served in the Nederlands during WW2, why not? She's a sweetie.

    I'll look after her when you are overworked or tired. Send Mom to her Canadian son abroad, I'll spoil her terribly, she may never return to Europe.

    OK: CountryWoman - Rayzorblade wants a huggable Dutch Mom.

  • Vivamus

    In additional response to Cynicus:

    Never explain--your friends do not need it and your enemies will not believe you anyway.
    Elbert Hubbard (1856 - 1915)

    It is an awesome truth, isn't it.

    Rayzor, lmao, it's a deal!!!! So, how much are the plane tickets to Canada right now?


    Blue Bubblegum Girl, who is LMAO

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