Knowledge That Leads to Everlasting Life, I Mean Nervous Breakdown

by Perry 23 Replies latest jw friends


    Sorry, side note.

    Perry, what is that on your shoulder in your avatar/photo?


  • Perry

    Hi Razorblade.

    That is my pet African Grey Parrot. I should probably do a better close up.


    Bird lovers cannot help themselves.

    Perry, that is so awesome! I hope that your African Grey is still part of your life.

    I have two birdies too. Both are rescued critters: Baby (yellow female parakeet) and Nim (footless female cockatiel).

    I'll have to let Country Girl know of this, coz she's got a couple of lovely birdies.

    Including one nasty assed rooster named: Henley.

    OK...sorry to hijack your thread Perry.

  • Perry
    Unfortunately, that's not the case with the WT judicial system. The problem is with the "laws" themselves. The elder can't go back and reverse the disfellowshipping.

    Thanks for clearing that up euphemism. The elder who has come to his senses can help reverse the effects of the disfellowshipping to the best of his ability. That would have been a better choice of words. It is also the right thing to do. It would be doing to others how you would like to be treated.

    Further hair-splitting would also reveal other differences. Secularly, there would be physical imprisonment and the victum has knowledge of his own innocence. With shunned witnesses the imprisonment is psychological and most of the time the victum has no idea of his innocence. Who would argue that a pronouncement of absolvo from one of the committee meeting elders to the victum and possibly his family would definitely help to lift that psychological imprisonment. I've seen it happen as I illustrated by the experience of my friend above.

    Elders hold powerful psychological control over their victums long after the sentences they dole out to people have passed. While some may want to blame the WTBS (rightly so), and absolve themselves of responsibility for the crimes they participated in (READ - INSIGHT INTO THEIR CHARACTER); they must also look at themselves in the mirror each morning and know what kind of men they really are.

    There are dozens of ex-elders on this board. They spent a great deal of effort to attain that office of oversight. Was it really because they wanted to serve their fellow man? Or, was it because they liked the attention and the platform it afforded them to spew gaseous diatribes? They are among the most prolific posters here ya know.

    If their motive was truly to serve their fellow man, why would that have changed once they realized the error of the WTBS system? I have read of the the efforts of some exiting elders who have left behind an apology. I'm impressed.

    However, the comparative silence from the ex-elder community about how they contacted those that they had a hand in their psychological, social, and familial destruction is deafening.

    Is the ex-elder community here on this board simply looking for another audience to expound their wonderful insights and extol their clandistine efforts to "bring down the society"?

    Personally, I'd much rather read how lives were changed for the better by ex-elders contacting those they disfellowshipped and apoligizing for their role in a corrupt religious system.

    That's just the way I see it. I'm sure others will not se it that way,,,, no biggy. . Just my opinion.

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