GB member in The Netherlands for contact with State secretary of Justice

by Gorbatchov 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gorbatchov

    Dutch newspapers report that a GB member was in The Netherlands last week for contact with the State secretary of Justice because of the abuse cases. (276 reported now).

    No details were revealed.


  • freddo

    Ramping up everywhere - glad it's not just the English-speaking world that this is getting exposed.

    Gotta linkie or two Gorby?

  • Isambard Crater
    Isambard Crater

    I am surprised any G.B member showed up, after the theatrics of Geoffrey Jackson and Gerrit Loesch in recent years! There's talk in the news of Trump facing a subpoena but surely he could just ignore it like Gerrit did?

  • Anders Andersen
    Anders Andersen


    I collected some (20+) links here:

    Most of the items say rougly the same. The item in Trouw reports on the GB member (or at least someone from HQ) visiting NL to talk to the Minister of Justice.

    Het ministerie van justitie en veiligheid is nog steeds in gesprek met het bestuur van de getuigen in Nederland, laat een woordvoerder weten. Vorige week kregen ambtenaren een lid van het Amerikaanse besturend lichaam van de Jehovah’s Getuigen op bezoek. Die kwam namens de internationale organisatie over het eigen kerkrecht en misbruikbeleid praten.


  • Gorbatchov

    I heard there is a nation wide (in our tiny country a nation small) broadcasting streaming in the congration.

    Maybe a needed bust in morale for the Dutch jw's.

    Nearly all newspapers and news networks brought the news about the ammount of victims.


  • Anders Andersen
    Anders Andersen
    I heard there is a nation wide (in our tiny country a nation small) broadcasting streaming in the congration.

    Do you know when that would be? Haven't heard about it yet...

    Edit: Ah....I see 'special program' in my wife's calendar for Saturday....but apparently that was planned already quite some time ago...

  • George One Time
    George One Time

    No apologies offered to victims yet

  • George One Time
    George One Time

    @AA: this weekend

  • Gorbatchov

    Broadcasting from Emmen, Branch.

    Maybe the Zone visit from HQ?



    The Heat is On !

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