Telephone Witnessing AND Wallkill, NY

by unique1 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • gumby
    Watchtower needs money again. What a wonderful project handed down from Jehovah himself!


    It would be intresting to see what actual costs WERE on this project.

    Poor african rural adherants to the organisation, struggling to survive, let alone make meetings, .....but "keep the presses rollin boys!"

    As for dressing for phone witnessing.....,

    I can just see the Apostle paul in his tent as he's writing his letters to the congregations,......putting on his finest apparal to show his respect for his ministry! He probably was sittin half naked in his hand sewn goatshin BVD's and suckin on some his his favorite vino.


  • shamus
    "We were talking to people today about farming"

    Someone calls me and says that, the conversation would go like this:

    Me: "That's nice. What do you want?"

    Them: "We want to talk to you about our latest magazine on farming and how it can help you with everlasting life"

    Me: "Are you DRUNK?"

    Them: "No, we're Jehovahs' Witnesses"

    Me: "Oh, that explains your weird behavior. Don't ever call here again you freaks, otherwise I'll make a complaint with the telephone company. 'click'"

    What a bunch of complete idiots.

    And the telephone witnessing..... ROFLMAO! Wearing a suit to witness?

  • Dimples
    Five people but only one phone line. The others would gossip about others in the congregation, have fabulous food, laugh when someone was talking to a householder, watch TV....

    So did they count time while they were doing these other things?


  • DevonMcBride

    Do you know that even if the Do Not Call law gets passed the JW's are still allowed to telephone witness? Non-Profit Non-Prophet, charitable organizations are exempt. However, the average person hates these calls and will slam the phone down harder on the JW's then they would the door.


  • Aztec

    "What I thought was bad about the article is that they made it sound as if they're expanding, rather than replacing their current facilities. The article said nothing about the sale of the 360 Furman building, for example.

    But of course, that's to be expected, since the r&f would be far less inclined to contribute for the $50 million, if they knew that the Society was getting $120 million from selling just one building."

    Good point Euphemism! I just thought it needed to be restated in case anyone missed it. Might be something to mention to my dub parents next time I see them. Blondie, my telephone witnessing experience sounds alot like yours. I only did it once but, we were all dressed up and there were four of us and one phone. Silly! And yes, we all got to count time even when we weren't on the phone. As dumb as it sounds, I was actually more petrified of telephone witnessing. Without being able to see someone's face I had trouble gauging their responses properly....LOL! I was such a shy little nerd. ~Aztec

  • blondie
    So did they count time while they were doing these other things?

    Shore they did, Dimples. It's like being in a car and 2 sisters make an RV. The 2 sisters waiting in the car get to count their time while the other 2 are talking/or at least trying to find someone.

    I remember doing rural witnessing with 6 people in the car with the first sister in the twosome doing the talking. Notice that each sister only has to talk at every 6th door.

    Sister 1 and Sister 2 then

    Sister 2 and Sister 3 then

    Sister 3 and Sister 4 then

    Sister 4 and Sister 5 then

    Sister 5 and Sister 6 then

    Sister 6 and Sister 1

  • Euphemism

    Didn't all congregations do that?

    I mean, you know what a pioneer's van was called, right? A time machine.

    Service would be so different if the service reports counted conversations (or even doors knocked at or people approached) instead of time.

    WHAT A GREAT DEAL! This will earn your salvation and buy you a place in Jehovah's "memory!!" ... Oh, why oh why did I ever leave??

    Quick ... Where do I sign...?

    ROFL!!!! ... and laughing!!!


  • Hamas

    Hi Estee !

  • Prisca
    They are too stingy to give people water or do something to help those walking home during the blackout.They are too stingy to set up a help center during the WTC bombing or to offer assistance of some kind to those coming out of the debris, but they can spend FIFTY MILLION on more printing.

    Real Christian love in action eh? Gotta keep those presses rolling.

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