Sometimes they do something caring...

by jws 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • jws

    I was talking to my dad this weekend and he mentioned that the JWs in his congregation and others were planning to rent out a park pavilion and throw a party for a guy to cheer him up because he's been pretty sad after his wife died a few months ago.

    First thought was, after hearing all the stories about how cold and heartless the JWs can be, here was one example of them seeming to show some genuine concern.

    Of course, not to let them off the hook entirely, this guy was pretty well known. I've been away from it for a while and he wasn't part of our hall so I don't remember his resume all that well, but I'm certain he was an elder and I think has at least a couple of sons who are elders and I think he played a big role in helping run conventions. Your average non-MS, non-elder, isn't very likely to get a pavilion full of friends.

    I give them credit for showing concern, but there are a lot of people who also need help and fall through the cracks.

  • Funchback

    Wake me when they do this very same thing to a man in the same exact situation EXCEPT that he's disfellowshipped.

    I suppose I might as well change my name to Rip Van Winkle.

  • Pistoff

    There are some very caring people in the congregations; they are the ones who let the message of Jesus really motivate them, without being stifled by the scrooge spirit of the WT. They are wonderful to find.

  • wheres caleb?
    wheres caleb?

    The operative word is 'sometimes'.

    Search for the heart, and you will find it to be a futile course.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    There are caring people with the organization. As long as your part of the "group" you are OK. Just don't stray a bit or God help you. They just don't understand what unconditional love is thats all.


  • sidney

    In my experience they seem very kind and caring to those who are studying, and those in good standing in the congregation, but the minute someone is drifting they distance themselves only encouraging those ones if they attend the meetings. That is what I experienced. Sidney

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    The man in JWS' original post is probably a person who expected to live through Armageddon with his beloved wife: now he knows the pain of loss and he faces his own ageing and mortality on THIS side of Armageddon - the only side anyone will ever be on.

    Fried chicken and apple pie are an antidote for lies and false expectations? I don't think so.

  • SanFranciscoJim
    There are some very caring people in the congregations; they are the ones who let the message of Jesus really motivate them, without being stifled by the scrooge spirit of the WT. They are wonderful to find.

    I can think of three people like that I knew when I was a JW 25 years ago. Their hearts were in the right place, and they genuinely cared about the welfare of others.

    I've often wondered if they remained JWs, or whether their zeal for God and their love of their fellow man was stifled by the Organization, and they left.

  • undercover

    Let's be fair. Most of the average JWs are caring, thoughtful people. Years ago, congregations had lots of social activities to "encourage" each other and to have fellowship outside of the "world". But over time, the WTS slowly killed anyone's desire to have these social activities due to whoever held the event being "responsible" for any and all problems that may arise. In effect they killed any joy the friends had by having these events. In the past, I remember everyone getting together to help any elderly ones or poor ones do work on their house or help them move. When someone in the congregation moved, it was a congregation event. Everyone showed up. But due to the WTS constant yammering and nagging about being in the ministry, people slowly tired of trying to get 10-20 hours of service, work on somebody else's house, help somebody load a truck for moving and then clean and repair their own home. They just couldn't do it. Since their salvation depends on knocking on doors, they put that first and everything else comes second or third. As time as passed we see that the WTS has done exactly the opposite of what Jesus said he was going to do. Remove their yoke. The WTS has added burdens on the friends along with guilt for not doing it all.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    jws, I can't help but think that this guy has something the cong/org wants or needs, whether it be talent or personal leverage.....but just let someone considered to be "weak" because of poverty or illness or work-related circumstances which prevent them from going to the KH everytime the door swings open and see if they're treated the same.....tho they should be....

    Frannie B

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